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Displaying items by tag: unreached people

Friday, 02 June 2023 13:15

Turkey: Unreached people group

The Sunni Zaza are nomadic shepherds and farmers who practise mysticism. Years of repression leaves them crying out to God for help. Their Sunni Muslim mystical faith is rooted in shamanism and Zoroastrianism – spirituality not easily broken. Yet God is overcoming spiritual obstacles and a few dozen believers have emerged among Zaza speakers. Zaza has almost no literary tradition except a specimen of a poem praising Muhammad. Recently two magazines written in Zaza have emerged. See This little but growing church worships in Turkish - as they wait for biblical resources in their own dialects. The spoken word is more natural to Zazas than the written word, pray for workers to know how to develop fruitful oral resources.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 30 March 2023 22:04

Cameroon: Bible translator killed

Due to ongoing conflict in Cameroon between separatist groups and the government, as well as attacks by Islamic organisations, Bible translators are in persistent danger. Wuwih William Gemuh supervised Bible translation work in the Mfumte languages, in northwest Cameroon, facilitating workshops choosing words for dictionaries in a number of languages. When returning home from a workshop he was kidnapped and later killed by armed men. Wycliffe Bible Translators’ executive director says Bible translators are working in dangerous places because these are the most inaccessible locations both geographically and spiritually, where God’s word has yet to be translated. For Bible translators across vast swathes of Asia and Africa, this is the reality of their life and work. Please join us in prayer for all those affected by Wuwih’s death: his immediate and extended family, and his colleagues in the Mfumte project team, who have lost one of their leaders.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 11 November 2022 03:49

Israel: reaching unreached people

The Chosen People and the Promised Land of scripture are testaments to God's promises. Despite limited natural resources, Israelis have developed thriving agricultural and industrial sectors in under twenty years. Home to Christian, Muslim, and Jewish sites, Jerusalem has been conquered and reconquered for 3,000 years. The Old City reflects ancient rifts between Palestinian and Jewish communities. Freedom of religion is a right, but Messianic Jews struggle for political recognition. Christians are often harassed by Jews and Muslims alike. 75% of Israel follow Judaism, barely 2% Christianity, and the rest Islam. However, the gospel is spreading, interest in the Word of God is increasing; and powerful testimonies by Christian Jews abound as they minister to their brothers and sisters in ways that others cannot. House churches grow as God empowers evangelical leaders to spread the good news that ‘the Messiah has come and is coming back soon’.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 14 January 2021 21:13

Gospel life in lockdown

The trials brought on by the Covid crisis have created a window of incredible opportunity. International evangelical agencies are hurrying to distribute the gospel to the most dangerous places on the frontlines of persecution where people have had their world shaken. Their hearts are open to the Good News. Wherever Satan is spreading death and destruction, God is there, working in the hearts of those affected. In the darkest periods of life, the lost can see clearly that the world has no answers for them. They see God is the answer. In these times, their willingness to turn to Him is greatly elevated.

Published in Praise Reports
Saturday, 01 August 2020 15:23

The Power of United Prayer for Unreached People

Have you heard the Clarion call? Or the Buzz words in this season? Collaboration, Catalysing, Community, Connections, Pivot, Urgency, Global Harvest and Global Repentance….

Today is the moment for united prayer for those, who despite 2000 years of believers witnessing to and following Jesus Christ, still have not had access to hear the Good News amongst their peoples.

The cry goes up from those who are living in darkness and Jesus commands us to GO and make Disciples of all peoples.

The Ethne Prayer team hosts MONTHLY REGIONAL ONLINE PRAYER CALLS for those who are currently unreached from the Gospel of Jesus.

You are welcome to take this opportunity to join one of our REGIONAL team calls. Perhaps God has been prompting you to make an hour’s commitment each month to pray with others in your part of the world for those who are far from Jesus?

Here are the details:

South Asia: First Wednesday 6pm IST write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information

AFRICA: Last Thursday 9pm Kenya time   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (calls in French and English)

MANI : Last Wednesday 2pm Nigeria last Wednesday of each month at 2pm Nigerian time. Write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information

Europe: Mondays weekly, 3-4pm UTC write to Debra at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information

Latin America Last Wednesday of the month 10:00- 11:30 EST This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  (this call is in Spanish)

North America: Third Tuesday  7 pm – 8 pm Central (UTC -5) on Zoom  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.

The Global Prayer Call for Unreached groups is every second Thursday at 3pm UK time (9am Central) https://zoom.us/j/7867380647 this call is hosted by the Ethne team with an invited guest speaker who is an expert on the unreached groups in focus.

Please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information.

Jenny Oliphant

Coordinator of the Ethne Prayer Team and member of the International Prayer Council.

Elizabeth Adleta from the Fellowship of Prayer Strategists reviews the encouraging progress that has been made since the Tokyo 2010 Unreached Peoples Intercession Task Force paper:

Ten years has passed since the paper was released in Tokyo, outlining the state of prayer for unreached people groups around the world, and proposing strategies to accelerate progress in reaching, discipling and seeing transformation among these. The task force not only worked but prayed. Ten years later, it is clear that God heard and responded!

In 2010, according to Joshua Project, well over 6,000 people groups had too few indigenous followers of Christ with sufficient means to evangelize their own people groups without outside assistance.  Less than 200 Christ-ward movements were known. Recently, researchers cataloged over 1,000 movements to Christ, where each spanned at least 4 generations, and the movements collectively represented over 785 people groups and 70 million believers! Research also indicates over 3,000 movement engagements in which a team (or teams) employs strategies seeking to multiply movements of believers! Robby Butler of MultMove has said, “Prayer is the first domino to fall” and in these past ten years more focused, fervent, and sustained prayer has grown within these movements and within the Church at large.

What has God done these past 10 years? What gaps still need to be addressed?

More partnerships have emerged in the prayer and missions movements, and these are converging. Prayers are being answered and partnering efforts are bearing fruit. Only recently have we seen networks, organizations, and denominations willing to collaborate outside their own boundaries. Prayer and mission leaders actively seek ways to better integrate their efforts. However, much ground remains to see these fully connected and coordinated.

Prayer strategists and prayer strategies have emerged. More than a ‘prayer coordinator’ or ‘facilitator’, prayer strategists serve on leadership teams in networks, organizations and denominations. They focus on maximizing and synchronizing prayer efforts at every level to best effect. Prayer is strategy, envisioning God-sized reality straight from His heart, and co-laboring to pray it into being under His direction. Incorporating both apostolic and prophetic vision allows leadership to keep their ears open to heaven as they evaluate options in light of God’s direction.

Advances in technology and communications offer innumerable ways to expand prayer and collaboration, even globally. Conferencing tools such as Zoom, social media platforms like WhatsApp, smartphone applications, live streaming services through internet, satellite and radio, and many other technologies have hardly been tapped into. Prayer communities are discovering that John 17-unity really can emerge as relationships deepen while praying, worshiping, and connecting over the internet. It is now possible to build relationships through these new technologies, serving to expand prayer efforts exponentially.

Annual prayer initiatives now include every major megasphere. 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World during Ramadan was only the beginning. After 25 years, we now see previously-unimaginable breakthroughs in the Muslim megasphere. The Hindu and Buddhist megaspheres have similar annual prayer initiatives. Prayer changes megaspheres!

Prayer is yearning for the now-but-not-yet Kingdom to fully come. God’s purposes for His Body are to grow up into the full measure of the stature of Jesus, who is coming back for a Bride equally-yoked with Him. God is calling the historical Church to match the passion, obedience, and zeal of fellowships emerging in movements; are we willing to pay a high cost to follow Jesus? As we see prayer and mission movements converging, God uncovers greater understanding, deepens our practice of intimacy, strengthens our fellowship with Him and one another, and increases our fruitfulness and joy. Maranatha! Come soon, Lord Jesus!

Download and read the full report HERE

Liz Adleta

Global Prayer Strategist

Fellowship of Prayer Strategists


Praise God for the acceleration and growing momentum of the many initiatives that are seeking to make God’s word available to all unreached people’s groups.

Praise God for the increased collaboration between those involved in catalysing prayer for the unreached. 

Pray for continued blessing on the work of the Fellowship of Prayer Strategists and their partner organisations.

Friday, 31 January 2020 10:27

GO 2020 – Reaching 1 Billion with the Gospel

An Invitation to Transforming our World through United Prayer and Mission!

The early church turned the world upside down when, following Jesus’ command, they stayed in Jerusalem and “joined constantly together in prayer”. This culture of united prayer enabled the believers to receive the empowering of the Holy Spirit and ignited remarkable spiritual breakthroughs as the Gospel began to spread throughout their world. This same pattern of prayer preceding evangelism has been a consistent pattern in all the great revivals and mission advances from then on through church history.

Now, tens of thousands of churches with hundreds of mission organizations and prayer movements are joining forces for an epic prayer and mission initiative unlike anything our world has known. The goal is to reach one billion who are still unreached by Christ’s Good News. Together, by May 2020, we aim to mobilize 100 million Christians to pray for those in their communities that do not know the Lord as well as those across the seas that are part of unreached people groups. No one organization or movement can accomplish such a staggering feat, but if we flow together like tributaries in one unstoppable river, this can be achieved! Getting God’s heart of love for the lost through prayer will lead to our sharing Jesus with them in the power and sensitivity of the Holy Spirit just as the early church experienced.

Would you please consider joining with us in such an awesome undertaking for His glory and so that everyone may hear? Together, as we pray, mobilize, and trust the One who has all power, we can see the following happen by the end of May 2020:

· One billion people being reached with the Gospel and millions upon millions getting saved all over the world through May 2020.

· Unreached people groups hearing the Gospel for the first time and planting new churches among them.

· 100 million Christians inspired and empowered by the Holy Spirit to pray and share the Gospel with as many as possible in their own communities and to the ends of the earth.

· 50 million new believers integrated into existing and new churches.

Action steps:

  1. Personal Prayer: Lord here I am, use me! I will pray for and share the Gospel with others who need to hear it. https://www.go2020.world/get-involved
  2. A suggested five-fold strategy to mobilize believers for prayer and outreach is described in this four-minute video. GO2020 video: https://vimeo.com/342384375  
  3. The brochures can also be used to give others the vision of Go 2020 (some translations and more resources are available at www.go2020.world/prayer
  4. All through 2020, a series of 40-day prayer guides will help us pray daily for those still unreached and for the harvest to be brought in. Starting Jan 1st 2020, the February theme is on Unity and the River of God:

Download the GO2020 Global Daily Prayer Guides HERE www.ipcprayer.org/go2020

More info and sign up HERE www.go2020.world 

John Robb, Chairman, International Prayer Council
& Go 2020 Prayer Mobilization Task Force

Friday, 31 January 2020 10:19

Pray for Zero – Printable Prayer Card

In 2019 over 300 people groups received the Bible in their language for the first time!

Brothers and sisters within the International Prayer Council network this would not have happened without your prayers, thank you!

Pray for ZERO Movement 2020 is partnering with Youth With a Mission, GO2020 and another 120 ministries to mobilize 1 million intercessors for the 2,000 Unreached Bibleless peoples of the world. 

Within this flood of prayer we are looking especially for those who would Prayer Walk amongst the Unreached Bibleless.

There are currently 197 countries where the Bibleless currently exist, so there is much opportunity for those willing to partner.  In December 800 missionaries were sent to prayer walk amongst 292 Unreached Bibleless peoples! 

Please download and pray into the new Pray for ZERO Card 2020 and if you interested in creatively designed prayer walk resources as well as more information about contributing to the goal of 2,020 prayer walks in 2020, then please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you!

Download the Pray for Zero Prayer Card HERE

Adopt an unreached people group. Intercede for the Bibleless. Visit www.prayforzero.com #prayforZERO

Published in Prayer Guides
Friday, 31 May 2019 12:52

Pray for Zero – June 9th 2019

We live in a historical time. Every single people group can be reached with God’s Word and kingdom within the next decade. Millions are still waiting to have access to the Gospel. What is Jesus calling us to do?

Well, there is one thing that we have seen God use over and over again to accomplish His eternal purposes: prayer. This upcoming Pentecost, God is uniting the international body of Christ to refocus on what matters. The unreached. Hundreds of like-minded ministries and thousands of churches are united under the Pray for ZERO banner so the unreached are no longer waiting.

Pray for Zero is an international prayer movement dedicated to the provision of God’s Word and kingdom among the remaining unreached, Bibleless peoples. There are currently over 2,000 people groups without access to any Scripture in their language. Through social media and regional prayer gatherings, we connect God’s people to the goal of seeing all remaining translation projects started within this next decade. 

You are invited to unite with millions of others to pray for the number of unreached people groups to be brought down to ZERO.  Each year we will gather to pray until we live in a world where every single person has access to the Word of God in their language and a local expression of the body of Christ. 

If we love those still waiting for a chance to hear of Christ through His Word, then we should do whatever we can to raise awareness so that others will join us in this effort. We encourage you to adopt a people group, pray for them frequently, and post pictures and videos on the International Day for the Unreached — June 9, 2019.

Take a stand. Do your part. Pray for ZeroVisit prayforzero.com.

“Always pray and never give up.” Luke 18b (NLT)

Solomon Lujan

Thursday, 02 May 2019 20:57

India: unreached people

Evangelicals believe the ‘evangel’ or Good News brings salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Nearly 10% of the world’s population are now evangelical believers. About 33% of the world’s population identify themselves as Christian. Out of all the regions in the world, India has the fewest Evangelicals or Christians. Unreached peoples and non-believers need missionaries either in their own people group or from abroad to ‘reach them with the message of God’s salvation for them through His Son Jesus Christ’. India is second only to China in having the most isolated peoples, with virtually no Christians of any kind in their own people group. Today almost half of the non-believers are culturally near to significant numbers of believers. The remaining missionary task of reaching these non-believers is smaller than ever before. However, the vast majority of missionaries are still going to the ‘Christian’ areas of the world.

Published in Worldwide
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