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Displaying items by tag: Pray for Zero

Friday, 18 June 2021 05:13

Seed Company – Prayer Resources

Prayer Resources at Your Fingertips

At Seed Company we are passionate about accelerating the translation of God’s Word in every heart language that needs it by 2025. 

We're offering easy access to more than a dozen Pray for Zero resources all in one place. We highly encourage people to sign up to adopt a Bible translation project so they can hear of unreached peoples coming to Christ through the hearing of God’s Word in their own language!

Please click here for free prayer resources.

Working with over 1400 global partners, we serve the local church by providing training, consulting, funding, and project management that leads to a meaningful, accurate translation in the local mother tongue. Thousands of prayer partners provide a solid foundation for the work.

With over 2100 language groups without a single verse of Scripture, we invite you to join us to end Bible poverty, now!

More at: https://www.prayforzero.com/resources/

Watch this compelling video from Pray for Zero... and let's be challenged and prompted to pray for zero people not to have access to God's word in their language by 2025.

Let’s Pray that nobody misses out on hearing about the redeeming message of God's saving grace.

Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vtt7vKGhiL0

Download the Pray for Zero Prayer Card which lists countries with just one remaining language that needs translating.

Become a prayer partner! It's simple and easy: Text "ZERO" to 313131 or visit https://seedcompany.com/prayer  

Together, we can reach ZERO.

Friday, 31 January 2020 10:19

Pray for Zero – Printable Prayer Card

In 2019 over 300 people groups received the Bible in their language for the first time!

Brothers and sisters within the International Prayer Council network this would not have happened without your prayers, thank you!

Pray for ZERO Movement 2020 is partnering with Youth With a Mission, GO2020 and another 120 ministries to mobilize 1 million intercessors for the 2,000 Unreached Bibleless peoples of the world. 

Within this flood of prayer we are looking especially for those who would Prayer Walk amongst the Unreached Bibleless.

There are currently 197 countries where the Bibleless currently exist, so there is much opportunity for those willing to partner.  In December 800 missionaries were sent to prayer walk amongst 292 Unreached Bibleless peoples! 

Please download and pray into the new Pray for ZERO Card 2020 and if you interested in creatively designed prayer walk resources as well as more information about contributing to the goal of 2,020 prayer walks in 2020, then please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you!

Download the Pray for Zero Prayer Card HERE

Adopt an unreached people group. Intercede for the Bibleless. Visit www.prayforzero.com #prayforZERO

Published in Prayer Guides
Friday, 29 November 2019 12:15

Pray for Zero Prayer Guide - Download

Thank you for your partnership in bringing God’s eternal Word to the Bibleless. We are excited to share the third volume of the Pray for Zero Guide with you.

The new guide will help you pray for:

Translators - The People
Translation - The Work
Transformation - The Impact

This guide is packed with resources to equip you in your prayers.

Specific prayer points for the 12 key areas
Scripture-based prayers to recite
Stories of life transformation from around the world

Each page was crafted to empower you as a prayer partner and to invite the presence of God into your prayer time.

Download the new Pray for Zero guide, and unite with us in prayer for the Bibleless.

When we pray Scripture back to God, we can be confident we are praying His will. His Word never returns without fulfilling His purposes.

“It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.”

— Isaiah 55:11 NLT

DOWNLOAD THE NEW PRAYER GUIDE HERE - https://gallery.mailchimp.com/9747aaed806a398f98dee7604/files/e6692113-81fd-4566-bc78-1f179ea43945/Prayer_Giode_2019_Digital_Version.pdf

Published in Prayer Guides
Friday, 31 May 2019 12:52

Pray for Zero – June 9th 2019

We live in a historical time. Every single people group can be reached with God’s Word and kingdom within the next decade. Millions are still waiting to have access to the Gospel. What is Jesus calling us to do?

Well, there is one thing that we have seen God use over and over again to accomplish His eternal purposes: prayer. This upcoming Pentecost, God is uniting the international body of Christ to refocus on what matters. The unreached. Hundreds of like-minded ministries and thousands of churches are united under the Pray for ZERO banner so the unreached are no longer waiting.

Pray for Zero is an international prayer movement dedicated to the provision of God’s Word and kingdom among the remaining unreached, Bibleless peoples. There are currently over 2,000 people groups without access to any Scripture in their language. Through social media and regional prayer gatherings, we connect God’s people to the goal of seeing all remaining translation projects started within this next decade. 

You are invited to unite with millions of others to pray for the number of unreached people groups to be brought down to ZERO.  Each year we will gather to pray until we live in a world where every single person has access to the Word of God in their language and a local expression of the body of Christ. 

If we love those still waiting for a chance to hear of Christ through His Word, then we should do whatever we can to raise awareness so that others will join us in this effort. We encourage you to adopt a people group, pray for them frequently, and post pictures and videos on the International Day for the Unreached — June 9, 2019.

Take a stand. Do your part. Pray for ZeroVisit prayforzero.com.

“Always pray and never give up.” Luke 18b (NLT)

Solomon Lujan

Friday, 31 May 2019 12:42

IPC Calendar

30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World - 6 May - 4 June 2019


Year of the Frontier – May 2019 to May 2020

Pray for Zero – 9 June 2019

School of Prayer for the Nations - 9 Jun - 6 July 2019


United Prayer Rising Europe – 8-11 July 2019


One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020


South East Asia Prayer Council Conference – 8-11 October 2019


Go 2020 May 2020
