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Displaying items by tag: gender issues

Evangelist Franklin Graham has criticised the UK Methodist Church for its new Inclusive Language Guide, which advises avoiding gendered terms like 'husband' and 'wife’. Graham, the CEO of Samaritan’s Purse, expressed his disapproval on social media, emphasising the biblical significance of these terms and the importance of adhering to scriptural teachings rather than conforming to cultural shifts. The guide, updated every six months, aims to promote inclusivity, especially for LGBT+ people, by recommending terms like 'parent’, 'partner’, 'child', and 'carer' as alternatives. It also suggests using language and pronouns preferred by individuals. The Methodist Church defended the guide, stating it facilitates respectful conversations without making assumptions or unintentionally causing offence. This initiative aligns with the church's efforts to include LGBT+ individuals, as indicated by references to organisations like GLAAD and Stonewall in the guide. However, the denomination's Book of Discipline still prohibits LGBT-identified clergy from ordination and bans same-sex marriages. A significant legislative gathering in spring 2024 is expected to address these contentious issues further.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 17 June 2022 09:43

Afghanistan: Christian media

The situation for women deteriorates rapidly as restrictions erase girls and women from public life. They are virtually prisoners in their homes. Christians remain in danger as the Taliban do house-to-house searches and even confiscate people’s smartphones. Men, women and children are being deprived of freedom to think and live freely in different ways. But Pastor Ebadi speaks hope into viewers’ lives on SAT7 Christian broadcasting, saying, ‘Jesus Christ is the only one who can help us be freed from the cage in which we are held. Whatever the chains, whether sin, power, desire, or temptation, Jesus can rescue us. While we are alive, we must encourage and help one another.’ SAT7 is responding to the need for emotional and spiritual support through regular live broadcasts of Secret of Life and the pre-recorded programme Window of Light. Later this year they will broadcast two seasons of the Dari scripture teaching programme.

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