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Displaying items by tag: Christian media

Thursday, 13 October 2022 20:57

Media mission growth in Pakistan

Only four years ago, PAK7 international had a staff of three people, one in the UK and two in Pakistan. It is incredible to see what God has done. In 2022, through partners in Pakistan, they had 30 people working with them; by 6 October there were 19 more. While three of last year’s interns moved on to new pastures, all 22 of the media school graduates are starting their internship programme and joining eight small production teams, ready to learn and grow. Internship is excellent training for young Christian media professionals, and is now giving a voice to young Christians in Pakistan. They have an incredible opportunity to make great programmes which will change the lives of generations of young viewers. Today’s growth is vital for them as they step up production of high-quality Christian shows for their channel.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 17 June 2022 09:43

Afghanistan: Christian media

The situation for women deteriorates rapidly as restrictions erase girls and women from public life. They are virtually prisoners in their homes. Christians remain in danger as the Taliban do house-to-house searches and even confiscate people’s smartphones. Men, women and children are being deprived of freedom to think and live freely in different ways. But Pastor Ebadi speaks hope into viewers’ lives on SAT7 Christian broadcasting, saying, ‘Jesus Christ is the only one who can help us be freed from the cage in which we are held. Whatever the chains, whether sin, power, desire, or temptation, Jesus can rescue us. While we are alive, we must encourage and help one another.’ SAT7 is responding to the need for emotional and spiritual support through regular live broadcasts of Secret of Life and the pre-recorded programme Window of Light. Later this year they will broadcast two seasons of the Dari scripture teaching programme.

Published in Worldwide

‘Hussein comes from Baghdad. A while ago he communicated with us for the first time and accepted Jesus as his Saviour. We put him in communication with a partner on ground for face-to-face discipleship in Jordan. He wanted his family to encounter Jesus and arranged for them to meet his mentor, resulting in all his household becoming believers. Recently, he contacted us again. His son was to travel to Egypt for school, and he wanted us to disciple him. To everyone's surprise, Mo, Hussein’s son did not only want to be discipled, but also wanted the same for his friends whom he evangelised. His father, who is now in Iraq, wanted another family he was preaching to be discipled. Therefore our ministry decided to let them both, father and son, to be group discipleship leaders, though they are not yet baptised - which is being arranged now.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 11 June 2021 09:52

A child’s life-changing discovery

11-year-old Chan-Rey always wondered who created the whole world. Her mother didn’t know, so she kept searching for an answer. One Sunday a girl invited her to church. The Sunday school class was watching the Superbook episode ‘In the beginning’, about the creation of the world. ‘The story was AMAZING!’ she declared. ‘I saw the Spirit of God flying around. He said, “Let there be light”, and there was light! Then He made the world. It looked so beautiful. Then He created a man from dust and let them take care of everything!’ After watching the episode, Chan-Rey prayed with the teacher to become a Christian. She couldn’t wait to tell her family about what happened. ‘I shared the gospel with my parents and sisters. Then I brought them to church. Now they believe in Jesus too!’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 10 December 2020 20:48

USA: movie based on worship song

Hollywood filmmaker DeVon Franklin and worship leader and Pastor Cory Asbury have teamed up to turn a worship song, Reckless Love, into a feature film. Based on Asbury’s difficult relationship with his father, the movie explores how that vital relationship impacted the singer’s personal view of God. Cory has worked with the Bethel Music Collective since 2015, and this song has been number one in Billboard's Christian Songs chart and is sung in churches globally. He was approached by Franklin, the Christian filmmaker behind Miracles of Heaven, Breakthrough and the animated Christmas film The Star. When he was asked to share his story he was hesitant. Franklin said, ‘Cory, what if this film is bigger than you and your story? What if it brings healing to your dad and dads all across the world?’ That question decided it.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 04 October 2019 09:27

Albania: Christian momentum

For years Albania was closed to the gospel. Many see concentrated prayer and intercession as major reasons why it is now open for ministry and scripture translation is being undertaken. There are three complete translations of the Bible in Albanian; one literal, one paraphrased, and one Catholic. The NT has been retranslated into modern Albanian, and a new OT translation is under way. Pray for accuracy, timely completion, and widespread use of the Scriptures. Religious literature from many faiths flooded the country after Communism fell. Christian books are now published there, but there are very few Christian bookstores. Pray for the impact of useful Christian books and literature, and outlets for their circulation.

Published in Europe
Friday, 21 December 2018 11:52

A testament to God's power

The trailer for a Franklin Entertainment faith-based film Breakthrough broke records with 40 million views in one week. It is a real-life story of an adopted son falling through ice into the freezing waters of a Missouri lake. He lay without any signs of life for over an hour. His mother began to pray fervently for a miracle. Miraculously, his heart started beating again, astounding everyone present and defying every scientific prediction. Only days after the accident, he left the hospital, fully healed. The author, who is also CEO of Franklin Entertainment, said, ‘It's a testament to God's power, and proof that people are hungry for hope and inspiration’.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 06 April 2018 11:35

Christian media

It is fair to say that movies with Christian themes are getting better, and seeing box-office profits. The successful ‘I Can Only Imagine’ has so far made $38 million. The play ‘The Case for Christ’ made $15 million profit. On Easter Sunday, the Broadway musical ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ returned on NBC as a live television event. In the UK, Timeless International Christian Media LLC produce and distribute Christian videos; and True Films are producing British feature films with core Christian values. Christian home entertainment is edifying and challenging the viewer. We are living in a culture where we spend more time than ever looking at a screen for our information and relaxation. Pray for more Christians to enter film production. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 February 2018 09:28

USA: Tortured for Christ film

The Voice of the Martyrs movie ‘Tortured for Christ’ will show in nearly a hundred cinemas across the USA. Some of the screenings are already sold out! Voice of the Martyrs are thankful for all those who have pre-purchased tickets for this film highlighting the testimony of VOM’s founder. Another 500+ events are scheduled but haven’t yet reached the minimum ticket sales necessary to confirm the event. Pray for more people to hear about this film and ask cinema managers in their area to screen it.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 22 September 2017 10:08

USA: Warriors for Christ, schoolroom sex video

Rich Penkoski, a conservative Christian parent in West Virginia, voiced concern after Jackie Coffin, a middle school teacher, showed her class of 13-year-olds a suicide-prevention music video that featured hip hop music, two male high school students in bed together, and a sex toy. Penkoski told the Christian Post that this was not the suicide-prevention video approved by the school, while Coffin instructed students not to tell their parents that she had played it during class. Penkoski works as a leader of Warriors for Christ (WFC), who have launched a new Christian social media alternative to Facebook called SocialCross.org. So far nearly ten thousand users have joined the new platform. WFC also made headlines and received much backlash when they announced, ‘Anyone posting an LGBT rainbow flag emoji to the Facebook page will be banned by the page's administrators’.

Published in Worldwide