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Displaying items by tag: LGBTQ

Friday, 07 July 2023 10:25

Landmark ruling ignites prayer

Lorie Smith, who runs a design agency, took Colorado state to court so that she could refuse working on anything promoting gay marriage without being prosecuted. She won her case against an act that includes sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes. We can praise God for the First Amendment that gives everyone the freedom to think and speak as they wish without coercion. The Supreme Court ruling was disappointing for LGBTQ people - but for those who’ve left the LGBTQ lifestyle to follow Jesus, it was marked by a night of worship and prayer hosted by a Spirit-filled church in Georgia. The service was livestreamed across the nation as people humbly cried out to God for the salvation and transformation of 100,000 men and women out of LGBTQ lifestyles and into Christ’s purposes for their lives.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 19 August 2022 00:26

Protests at drag queen’s storytelling events

In July furious parents stormed a Drag Queen Story Hour for three- to 11-year-olds in Reading central library, the first venue in a UK-wide two month library tour. The event descended into chaos after the parents broke in and screamed abuse in front of the children. As they threatened to perform a ‘citizens’ arrest’ and accused the drag queen of paedophilia, the police had to step in to bring calm. The final story hour, in Cardiff, was also targeted by protesters with placards and banners, saying it was inappropriate for children. Many people came to support the event, wearing clothes adorned with the rainbow flag. Sab (drag character Aida H Dee) says the stories provide a positive experience about queer culture and deliver a positive role model for people to look up to. Sab moved to Cardiff to capitalise on its flourishing LGBTQ community. and thinks it wouldn’t have thrived without the support Wales gives to that community. Cardiff councillors received 143 letters of complaints about these story times.

Published in British Isles