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Displaying items by tag: arrest warrants

On 20 May, ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan announced plans to seek arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli ministers, and also for three senior Hamas officials. Hamas is charged with atrocities on 7 October and mistreatment of hostages, while Israel is accused of the starvation of Gaza's civilians. Khan, known for his conservative approach, has said that he has not seen compelling evidence that Israeli courts were probing alleged violations of international law). There have been predictable responses from supporters of both sides, but there is a long history of war crime charges facilitating peace by marginalising hardliners. That might help to advance the frustratingly stalled ceasefire negotiations. Within Israel, whose officials’ conduct in Gaza has increasingly made it a pariah state in the minds of many worldwide, the proposed charges will strengthen the movement for a leadership change. Far from an impediment to a ceasefire, Khan’s actions could be a spur.

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