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Displaying items by tag: America

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has withdrawn from the presidential race, paving the way for a potential Biden-Trump rematch. In her announcement from South Carolina, Haley declined to endorse Donald Trump, though acknowledging his likely nomination as the Republican candidate. Her campaign, lasting over a year, focused on several key issues, including support for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, concerns about national debt, and advocating for congressional term limits. Haley's decision follows a series of electoral setbacks, including a sole victory in Vermont on Super Tuesday and underwhelming performances in other primaries. Initially a strong contender in a crowded Republican field, Haley gained traction through impressive debate performances and support from influential donors and political figures. However, her campaign lost momentum due to several gaffes, including controversial remarks about the American Civil War and racism in the U.S. Despite maintaining a moderate stance on issues like gun control and abortion rights, critics suggested Haley didn't sufficiently distance herself from Trump. Her campaign endured until it became evident that her chances of securing the Republican nomination were slim, leading to her eventual suspension of the campaign. This exit sets the stage for a likely Trump nomination and a repeat of the Trump-Biden electoral battle in 2020. (The Independent) See also

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 24 March 2023 06:09

World: Cardinals want bishops prosecuted

German Cardinal Gerhard Müller and American Cardinal Raymond Burke want the Vatican to put Germany's Roman Catholic bishops on trial for abandoning church doctrine and approving Church blessings of same-sex unions and weddings between divorced Catholics. Cardinal Mueller wants all German bishops who voted to bless same-sex unions to be held to account, tried, sentenced and then removed from their office if they are not accepting the Catholic doctrine. Cardinal Burke has publicly clashed with Pope Francis before and is seen as the leader of the church's conservative wing. He wants sanctions against the German bishops under the Code of Canon Law. British Anglican Chaplain to the late Queen Elizabeth, Gavin Ashenden, said it isn’t just German Catholic bishops who are revising church doctrine; there was an issue of lack of faith across Europe. Polish and Nordic archbishops are also challenging Germany’s path. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 08 April 2022 04:04

USA: 24-7 CEO to step down

Last month we prayed for God to strengthen His church to stand against temptation after high profile scandals led to many leaving Hillsong. Now a statement by the 24-7 Prayer movement said, ‘Some significant concerns relating to Mike Andrea’s role in the local church have been proven and are being addressed by the Trustees of Global Generation Church. Having carefully and prayerfully considered the investigation findings we have asked Mike Andrea to step down as CEO of 24-7 Prayer and are requiring him to submit to personal and professional training and development, to which he has agreed, prior to considering any new role within the organisation that has yet to be defined.  Alongside this, we will conduct a full and thorough review of the culture within 24-7 Prayer’s various operational teams and will recruit a new CEO. Pray for God to heal all who have been hurt by inappropriate experiences by Christian leaders.’

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 30 October 2020 15:34

Watchmen: Standing with America – Nov 3rd

We feel the Lord’s jealousy over the United States of America and its Godly destiny.

We know the results of their upcoming national elections will carry reverberations on a global scale. We want to stand in prayer with our family in America for His will to unfold this November.

We invite you to join us on Tuesday, November 3rd at 5:00AM PT (Vancouver) as we gather to align with all that is being declared over America from the gates of Heaven at this hour.

More at: https://watchmen.org/upcoming/2020/11/3/standing-with-america

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Media Release

For the fifth year in a row, Australia is calling the nations of the world to join with them to pray and fast for five days for America, from 30 April – 4 May 2017.

April 30 is America’s National Day of Repentance. May 4 is America’s National Day of Prayer.

‘For your Great Name’s Sake – Hear Us, Forgive Us and Heal Us’ is the theme for 4 May, 2017.

Promo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwpqby8fJK0

Wesley Leake, a member of the National Day of Prayer team said, “God has done amazing things in America since we began to pray and fast, but God can do greater things yet! We in Australia believe it is our turn to stand in the gap for the nation of America and pray for revival and transformation for the USA through prayer and fasting according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. The new administration cannot bring revival to America, only God can do that. We in Australia are grateful for the protection that America gave Australia and the nations of the free world during World War II. The Battle of the Coral Sea, fought by USA in 1942, was the turning point in the Second World War for Australia. Thank God for America!”

Ps Melissa Haigh, also part of the National Day of Prayer team said, “Abraham Lincoln, on 30 April 1863 called for a Day of ‘Humiliation, Prayer and Fasting’ at a time of great national crisis by Governmental decree which said, “We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God…We have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us! It behooves us then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness”.”

Haigh continued, “Unfortunately, today America is again in crisis because it has forgotten God.  America is in great danger from within and without. The situation in Australia is not much different. We in our nation have forgotten God and we are paying the price for our rebellion.”  

Warwick Marsh, from the National Day of Prayer team said, “We welcome Vice President Pence to Australia and are thankful for his strong Christian conviction but we need what governments cannot do. America and Australia need revival and reformation. We need God. We invite you to join with us in five days of prayer and fasting for the USA. Together we can make a difference.” 

National Day of Prayer & Fasting. www.nationaldayofprayer.org.au

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/nationaldayofprayerandfasting    

Please get the word out to others you know in different nations to join in this wonderful effort. Pray for five days of anointed and powerful prayer that God will use to bring breakthrough in the USA and a healing of the awful divisions that have developed even stronger since the US national elections. Pray that America will indeed come back to the Lord in a massive wave of repentance and revival. May it be ignited during these days that start this Sunday!

Friday, 03 February 2017 09:30

An astronaut’s faith

John Glenn gained heroic stature when he became the first American to orbit the earth, in February 1962. But far from his ego being rocket-boosted by such an achievement, the pioneering astronaut was humbled by the experience, and his faith in the Creator or the universe increased. Space travel at the time was inherently risky, and he said he prayed every day. Glenn, who later became the oldest human in space (at the age of 77), served as a US senator, and was a man of deep Christian faith. When he died in December, aged 95, he left the bounds of earth once more and reached heaven rather than just the heavens.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 03 February 2017 09:28

USA: help for single women

Among all homeless families in the USA, over three-quarters are headed by single women with children; about 30 percent of children in the foster care system would be discharged if their parents were properly housed. CityHouse in Delray Beach, Florida, is now providing transitional housing and support for those who would otherwise be homeless and at risk of having their children placed in foster care. Families at the Avenue Church had been providing shelter for such children. ‘We would take that child till the mum or dad got better. But what we discovered was that it was really the mum that needed care as well,’ explained Casey Cleveland, lead pastor at the church. In 2013 a small apartment building was secured with enough units to house five single mothers and their children, and CityHouse was established. The mothers must demonstrate a willingness to make a positive change in their lives, pay a small amount of rent, and attend weekly Bible studies on the property.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 03 February 2017 09:03

USA: nomination for Supreme Court vacancy

President Trump named Judge Neil Gorsuch as his nominee for the Supreme Court of the United States, to replace Justice Antonin Scalia who died last February. Gorsuch currently serves on the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals and has the backing of pro-life and conservative groups. Trump recognised the importance of the decision, saying, ‘He is the man our country needs to make sure the rule of law and the rule of justice are followed. After defence of the nation, appointing a justice is the most important decision a president makes.’ Gorsuch pledged that, if confirmed, he would uphold the Constitution of the United States. There is likely to be strong opposition from the Democrats and other liberal groups when his confirmation is voted on. See

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 01 February 2017 16:31

The Disunited States

America and new President Donald Trump has been hitting the news headlines repeatedly in recent days. He lost the popular votes but won a majority of States through the electoral college system. America was deeply divided under President Obama and remains so under President Trump. It is not simply a political divide, there are divides across the age groups, rural voters v city voters and deep divisions on ethnic lines.

From a Christian perspective we believe unity is high on God’s agenda. Many American cities are working hard to bring the churches together so people around them see one body. Globally we believe there is a spiritual special relationship between the USA and the UK. We are both called to take the gospel to the world.

So at a time when Christians are arguing vehemently on Facebook and Twitter that Donald Trump is the Lord’s anointed, and others that he is just plain dangerous, we recommend three pray points:

  • God bless America - we believe America has a key role in showing and communicating the gospel and we pray for God’s hand on its government and President - give them wisdom and may God’s will be done.
  • God strengthen our links - at a time of great disagreements we pray the UK and USA might stand together as servants, ready to do what you call us to do.
  • Bring healing - the disagreements are so fierce but God says He wants His church to be one so that the world will know Him. Disunity is the enemies strategy. Lord, we pray for the Holy Spirit miracle of unity, heal the hurts, enable your people to disagree but stand together.
Published in WPC World News
Friday, 27 January 2017 09:52

USA: Trump’s inauguration

The inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America took place in Washington, watched by tens of millions around the world. His speech was full of rhetoric and confirmed many of his aims mentioned in the campaign leading to his presidency: America First, never let you down, trade deals changing, Mexico wall, anti-terrorism. Think big, dream bigger. Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, before reading a passage from 1 Timothy, said: ‘Mr President, in the Bible rain is a sign of God's blessing. It started to rain, Mr. President, when you came to the platform. It's my prayer that God will bless you, your family, your administration, and may He bless America.’ We will wait to see when the rhetoric becomes reality and what priorities President Trump sets. One of his first actions was a memorandum designed to move forward the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. See:

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