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Displaying items by tag: President Trump

Friday, 06 July 2018 04:48

North America/Latin America relationships

Few politicians have established such a connection with the millions of underprivileged families in Mexico as Lopez Obrador. He regularly campaigned draped with garlands and gaudy sombreros. Like Trump, the headstrong ‘Amlo’ is the heart and soul of his movement and his presidency could heighten tensions between Mexico and the United States over trade and migration if the two men clash. The prospect of a showdown between the two blunt men over the US-Mexico border and renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement has worried many. ‘There’s going to be a clash of vanities and a clash of egos. Who knows where it will end.’ said Juan Jose Rodriguez Prats, a former party colleague of Amlo who has known him for 40 years. President Trump tweeted, ‘I look very much forward (sic) to working with him. There is much to be done that will benefit both the United States and Mexico!’

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 26 January 2018 09:00

USA: Trump’s attitude to dictators

Donald Trump has enthusiastically expressed personal admiration for notorious authoritarian leaders. Recently he sent a message to Philippines president Duterte: ‘I want to congratulate you because I am hearing of the unbelievable job on the drug problem.’ Duterte’s crackdown on the drug trade has included extrajudicial killings of 7,000+ people. On President al-Sisi of Egypt, Trump said, ‘He has been very close to me from the first time I met him. He’s done a fantastic job in a very difficult situation’. Al-Sisi has a stranglehold on Egypt’s political system, and is actively crushing any civic groups or media outlets that criticise his rule. Trump also described the president of China as ‘a good person who wants to do right, representing his people’. China’s one-party state aggressively censors the internet, persecutes ethnic and religious minorities, bans all political opposition, and recently cracked down on human rights lawyers attempting to defend the victims of such abuses.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 04 August 2017 10:31

A spiritual awakening in the White House

Some of the most powerful Americans are gathering weekly to learn from God's Word. The Trump Cabinet Bible Study is making history. They've been called the most evangelical cabinet since Jimmy Carter - men and women who don't mince words when declaring where they stand on God and the Bible. Also on 11 July evangelical leaders spontaneously prayed with President Trump in the Oval Office during a day-long ‘listening session’ with the Office of Public Liaison. A former Liberty University vice-president posted pictures of the prayer time on social media saying, ‘It shows a substantive relationship between the evangelical community and this administration,’ See: http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2017/july/faith-leaders-enjoy-open-door-at-white-house.

Published in Praise Reports

'An attempt to overturn November's election and forcibly remove a duly elected president'


Please pray that the human and spiritual forces of division and hate will be bound and overthrown in the USA and that the institutions of government and the media will serve the American people honestly and fairly.

Friday, 16 June 2017 10:49

US president obstructing justice?

President Donald Trump is being investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller for possible obstruction of justice. US media say senior intelligence officials will be interviewed on whether Mr Trump tried to end an inquiry into his sacked national security adviser, and about the firing of FBI chief James Comey in May. Mr Trump's legal team said the latest leak to the media was ‘outrageous’, and the president has repeatedly denied any collusion with Russia, calling the ongoing inquiry a witch-hunt. The Washington Post sees Mr Mueller’s decision as a major turning point in his investigation, which until recently focused on the Russian angle. Mr Comey, who had previously been leading the Russia inquiries, told Congress last week that Mr Trump had pressured him to drop the investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Published in Worldwide

An executive order by President Trump last week fell short of what many had hoped for and drew widespread criticism. ‘The executive order on the whole looks to accomplish very little of substance, against the backdrop of a lot of show,’ said a professor of law and religion. Trump supporters argued that it was a first step in a multistep process that will lead to accomplishing all religious freedom objectives. Trump did nothing to address conflicts between gay rights advocates and Christian bakers or photographers who do not want to provide services for same-sex weddings.

Published in Worldwide
Tuesday, 28 February 2017 11:47

Global Witchcraft Effort to Target President Trump

Thanks to the prayers of many within the USA and many of you around the world, we have experienced a divine turnaround and made a U-turn at the cliff in our recent national election. America looked like it was in for even greater decline, but the Lord has had mercy and given us a reprieve. Many in the prayer movement here now feel that though Donald Trump certainly has some rough edges in his personality, he could well be a “Cyrus”, bringing our country back from the brink and opening the way to national restoration and hopefully as we pray the nation may experience a spiritual revival. Amazingly, he has appointed eleven evangelical Christians to serve on his cabinet. That, probably much of it due to Vice President Pence’s wise advice, demonstrates a real seriousness and resolve about restoring America to her original calling to be part of Christ’s light to the nations. Let’s pray that it may be so!

However, in the weeks since the inauguration of President Trump and Vice President Pence, a growing resistance movement is being orchestrated to hinder and if possible overthrow President Trump, Vice President Pence and the new administration. George Soros, the former Nazi collaborator and billionaire activist has set up many extreme liberal organizations that are Leftist-Marxist in ideology and seek to divide and destroy the nation. An allied movement is called Organizing for Action and is led by our former president Barack Obama. It aims to set up 250 offices across the country and utilize an estimated 30,000 agitators to discredit and resist our new leadership.

Now, today word has come that the resist Trump effort has gone supernatural in a global call to invoke the demonic realm against him. Witches worldwide have planned to cast spells on Donald Trump, starting February 24th, at midnight, going around the globe hour by hour and continuing month by month according to the lunar cycle until Trump is taken out. Here's what is being sent out to rally occultists of all kinds:


Would you please join us in prayer and mobilize others to pray with you for the following things:

  1. That any moles/enemies burrowed in the vast federal bureaucracy in Washington DC will be exposed and punished. Their recent leaks have become a threat to national and international security and are against the law.
  2. That George Soros, a deeply wicked man who has schemed to destroy other nations and thinks he is a god, will be dealt with by the Lord Himself, hopefully to repent and in any case to be stopped from being able to carry out further harm to the USA or any other country.
  3. That Organizing for Action and other extreme liberal-Marxist attempts to subvert the current American leadership will be foiled and backfire.
  4. Let us also agree in prayer and in the authority Jesus has given us that “whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven” (Matthew 18:18-19). We now bind in the Name that is above all names every demonic entity and any curses that are or will be invoked against President Trump, his colleagues and administration. In Jesus’ authority and in unity with other intercessors, we render them null and void. By the grace and mercy of God, may many of those who are involved in this witchcraft initiative be set free from spiritual blindness and slavery to the occult realm through coming to faith in Jesus as Savior and Deliverer!

 Thanks so much for your strong and persistent prayers as the Spirit prompts you. Our God will use such united prayer to protect the USA and its new administration as well as hasten His good purposes for the rest of our.

Friday, 03 February 2017 09:03

USA: nomination for Supreme Court vacancy

President Trump named Judge Neil Gorsuch as his nominee for the Supreme Court of the United States, to replace Justice Antonin Scalia who died last February. Gorsuch currently serves on the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals and has the backing of pro-life and conservative groups. Trump recognised the importance of the decision, saying, ‘He is the man our country needs to make sure the rule of law and the rule of justice are followed. After defence of the nation, appointing a justice is the most important decision a president makes.’ Gorsuch pledged that, if confirmed, he would uphold the Constitution of the United States. There is likely to be strong opposition from the Democrats and other liberal groups when his confirmation is voted on. See

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 01 February 2017 16:44

Peace of Jerusalem

Britain has a key role in the peace of Jerusalem. 100 years ago in late 1917, the British Army commanded by General Allenby entered Jerusalem and liberated it from the occupying Turkish and German forces. This then enabled the Balfour declaration issued earlier in the year to be implemented leading after many years to the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948. Psalm 122 tells us “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem may those who love you be secure.” Having seen a significant change in the military struggles in Iraq and Syria in recent weeks, attention is now turning back to Israel.

President Trump is significantly more pro-Israel than his predecessor and is planning to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This would be highly symbolic as Jerusalem is in disputed territory whereas Tel Aviv is in the land allocated to Israel in 1948. Until 1967 the city was divided with East Jerusalem in Jordanian hands, but the city was reunited in the six day war. The UN and most nations do not recognise the legitimacy of Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem. For many Muslims the status of Jerusalem is more important than the issue of the Palestinians. Jerusalem is their holy city.

Jerusalem is an emotive and controversial issue. Any changes to its status will have consequences. There have been recent terrorist attacks on the city but with Muslim and US relations deteriorating, changes to Jerusalem could create many serious issues.

So we go back to the scripture - pray for Jerusalem. Pray for God’s sovereign purposes, for His will for this important city and pray for the city’s safety in these increasingly uncertain times.

Published in WPC World News

The first 100 Days of the presidency of a newly elected POTUS is critical for setting the platform and for garnering the success of the administration from the start. This year the first 100 days begins on Inauguration Day, January 20th, and runs through April 29th, 2017.

As we look back in the history of the nation, the idea of this time period and setting of administrative priorities stemmed from the first hundred days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency.

It is critical that we stand together As One for the new administration as it takes power in January. President Trump has an aggressive 100 Day policy. If we do not lift our voice in prayer for this president and his policies, then we will not have a right to complain about what happens during this time frame. Not only that, but we are commanded to intercede first for those in authority over us that we can lead a quiet and peaceable life. (I Timothy 2:1-3).

In that light, a coalition of prayer ministries have banded together to write a prayer guide to cover the first 100 days as part of the As One initiative www.prayasone.org. This is the second major collaboration we have endeavored as national prayer networks. The first involved two separate 40 day periods of prayer walking our cities and neighborhoods that resulted in thousands of people putting feet to their prayers across the America.

Pray100 has a Facebook page as well as Twitter account #pray100. We encourage you to use both of them to request that others join in and post your own prayers for the nation.

Dave Butts

National Prayer Committee


Dave Kubal

Intercessors for America


Lisa Crump

National Day of Prayer


Dick Eastman

Every Home for Christ


Cindy Jacobs

Generals International


John Robb

International Prayer Council


Please pray that President-elect Donald Trump and his Vice-President-elect Mike Pence will seek the Lord for His wisdom and guidance for the very challenging assignment they have been given as the new leaders of the USA. Pray that they will be open to incorporating prayer in the way they conduct White House business and in how they provide leadership to the nation and interact with other nations