International Prayer Connections
We are very delighted in another moment of Psalms 133 and Acts 1, Acts 13 where brethren praying and dwelling unity. Our strategy is very simple: 300 leaders gathered in Kansas City joined by IHOPKC staff at our Global Prayer Room on March 24-27, calling 100,000 simultaneous prayer gatherings around…
From the Sudan Support Network (SSNet): We feel compelled to mobilize a 40-hour prayer chain for Sudan & South Sudan for the weekend of 25 to 27 January 2013. To be exact: Next weekend, starting on Friday evening 19:00 to Sunday 11:00. The structure is quite easy to understand: 40…
“News from Pakistan is a huge challenge to pray for our land, our people and us. Since 14th January an "Arab Spring" like situation has developed in our capital city, Islamabad. Several hundred thousand men, women and children have congregated in Islamabad calling for an end to the present corrupt…
The Situation in the NorthWe would like to start off by calling attention to the arrest and detention of Kenneth Bae (Korean name: Pae Jun Ho), a US citizen and resident of Los Angeles. As you can see from the links in the sentence, Kenneth Bae was the owner of…
We are excited to start the year praying for the world’s most influential marketplace, and we are so thankful that you’re praying with us! We are calling 2013 the YEAR OF THE HOLY SPIRIT because we are expecting Him to do incredible miracles in our hearts and lives and in…
The Resurrection is a major motion picture that will tell the story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the events of the forty days that lead up to his ascension into heaven. News stories about The Resurrection Project:•• More information about the project: Executive Producer –…
Thanks to those of you who were able to pray with us for our recent Middle East trip. Colleagues and I met with senior church leaders in four countries of that region about developing a regional strategic prayer focus that will connect people of prayer across the region and Christian…
We know that the unity of all followers of Christ, be they Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant, is on the heart of the Lord. It was the last prayer He prayed for His disciples and for us who have come to faith centuries later. The Apostle Paul also strongly urged that…
The Taliban and their allies on both sides are still on the offensive and continue to spread death and violence. The reports are talking about continued strong Taliban activities and an increase of violence…these powerful spiritual forces will not just easily give up. In Afghanistan and Pakistan, much more is…
Christians subject to stricter controls, religious freedom violations. Compass Direct NewsJanuary 18, 2012 Khartoum, Sudan – Sudan’s Ministry of Guidance and Religious Endowments has threatened to arrest church leaders if they carry out evangelistic activities and do not comply with an order for churches to provide their names and contact…
Each year the poor suffer, children unnecessarily die, and the majority of the world population suffer hunger and unnecessary illness because of improper stewards of our Global financial resources (1 Trillion US$ goes missing each year due to corruption activities! If you want to see what 1 Trillion dollars looks…
Workers inside Libya started a prayer initiative to pray and fast for Libya during the first 90 days of 2013. YOU are invited to join them! They write:"Something incredible is happening in the nation of Libya. God is working in an unprecedented way. We are trusting in faith for Disciple…