International Prayer Connections
It was in 2006 that I understood in a new way, the promise children hold. The occasion was the Transform World Summit in India’s Bihar State, where 170 leaders representing 17 different tracks met to consider “Bihar.” For most who had gathered then, Bihar was termed the graveyard of missions…
“Let the New Wave of His Glory Fill the Earth!”The World Prayer Assembly will be a “new paradigm” for an international congress of ministry and marketplace leaders. It will be an Acts 13-type encounter with the living God who longs to reveal Himself to those who are listening and wanting…
We are in a kairos time in world history. As nations are in uproar, economies in upheaval, social order declining, and times increasingly tumultuous, God is beckoning His church to advance His Kingdom. In response, Transform World is convening a "Transform World Global Challenge Summit" November 6-9 in Indonesia. Under…
Thank you so much for your prayer that we had very great dedication program. Almost 160 pastors and leaders came and prayed for House of Prayer and dedicated it on God's hands. We were anointed for national leadership for House of Prayer. Senior pastor Dr. Mangalman Maharjan did it through…
The 'Children and Praying Together Course' (link below) has been established to help children learn to pray and to help parents and grandparents pray for their children / grandchildren. It includes helping children to understand their spiritual heart and provides suggestions for encouraging children to pray. In addition, the course…
Things continue to be very difficult in North Korea. In fact, so many things are causing problems from government policy to the weather that people are speaking out and complaining as never before. A recent trip to China by Jang Sung Thaek, Kim Jong Un's uncle and right hand man,…
Kindly note the prayer mobilization for US Elections in India. Mobilization of Election Prayer – 4000 Church Networks (Min. of 50 People in a Church for 40 days) Mobilization of FMPB Prayer Groups – 5000 Prayer gps (Min. of 15-20 per group) across India. Mobilization in Standing in the Gap…
Christians are being beaten and threatened in several places in Pakistan. The majority is making false blames of blasphemy against them, and they are being put in jail. One boy has been murdered in Essanagri and today I am going to share the message in his memorial service where thousands…
Call to Asia’ is the Asian Prophetic Intercessors Conference that is happening from 25th-27th October 2012 @ Bangalore, India. While you prayerfully consider attending this conference…we also would like you to:• Please keep this event in prayer individually and through your prayer network• Pass this information to al your Asian…
Wycliffe's World Day of Prayer is held on November 11th. Well, it's that time of the year again when we ask the Body of Christ to join in united prayer for the ministry of Bible translation. I have attached a document that gives suggestions on how to pray for this…
Brennan Manning is a former Catholic priest who has written many books. This is a powerful, encouraging video which only lasts 3.5 minutes!
PRAY THAT:1. God’s truth and glory are revealed in Turkey, the Turkic window, and the Islamic region so that they may see spiritual restoration and revival.2. Help Turkish believers and Christian workers to be united and filled with the Holy Spirit and the heart of the Lord.3. Churches would be…