International Prayer Connections
Thank you for your interest in praying for the elections. There are many who believe this is perhaps the most important election in the history of our country. Our moral decline continues to go unchecked. We desperately need revival in the church and a standard of righteousness to be raised…
CAPTURED!The reports have been rolling in all week on the capture of prominent cartel and gang leaders. We salute all those courageous law enforcement and military that successfully captured and arrested these bad guys; but, most of all, we give thanks to our Heavenly Father, who has heard and answered…
Mexican Marines have killed Heriberto Lazcano, the founding leader of the extremely violent Zetas drug cartel. Killed in a gunfight in a small village in the northern state of Coahuila on Sunday afternoon, Lazcano, also known as "El Lazca" or "Z-3," was one of Mexico's most-wanted men. Only Joaquin "El…
“Even a small number of people, firmly committed to the new inevitability on which they have fixed their imaginations, can decisively affect the shape the future takes. These shapers of the future are the intercessors, who call out of the future the longed-for new present…the reign of God.”- Walter WinkIn…
We are doing 21 Days of Focused Prayer for the Silk Road--Oct 1-21. If you know those who might join, please let me know. Each day's prayer focus will be posted on the Facebook page Silkroad Prayer in English and Russian. We are also sending these out by email every…
Global connection at the same time of many Christians (and others) in a common prayer for humankind and its urgent needs every day from 3.00 - 3.05 p.m. Greenwich time - to form a wide channel between God and humanity in order to increase the love and power from God…
Have a look at this link. All our resources on 24/7 prayer are here. Maybe you are interested in the global invitation to make 2013 a year of non-stop prayer. You will find info on Facebook.!/prayonthewall People will do it in different ways in different nations. In South…
For most Muslims the Hajj is the pinnacle event of their lives. They are commanded to make a Hajj at least once in their life if they are able. This year, the Hajj will start on October 24 and last for 3-4 days. During this time, millions of Muslims from…
Eighty-seven adult and youth leaders from the international prayer movement gathered in Hong Kong to consider the way forward after the World Prayer Assembly, especially the ongoing relationship of the three generations, youth, children and adults. A team of younger people helped to draft the program for the consultation. They…
Please be praying with us for Sierra Leone as we go conduct our presidential and parliamentary elections on Nov. 17th, 2012. The campaign is on until Nov. 16th. 1. The campaign rallies in recent days have been violent. In Kono another political party was stoned, vehicle destroyed and a building…
Probably many millions around the world were praying for the U.S. election on November 6. Thanks for your prayers for America at this crucial time in her history. Many who prayed were disappointed at the outcome; others may have rejoiced. The following morning, as I reflected over what happened, I…
The Un-lock North Africa strategic prayer initiative is a campaign of CHI – Ministries and the (APN) Australian Prayer Network under my leadership. In August 2004 whilst praying on the rock of Gibraltar, the Holy Spirit indicated that one day He would take me to Morocco – something I had…