International Prayer Connections
SAN DIEGO, California, January 22/Christian Newswire/--In partnership with the 4/14 Window Movement and the worldwide Body of Christ, Children’s Ministries International, Inc. announced, in a statement released this morning, that the 2nd annual Global 4/14/ Day is set for Sunday, April 14, 2013. “Global 4/14 Day has become an annual…
For now is the time for the harvest of the earth. It is time for the every tongue and tribe on this terrestrial sphere who will ascribe glory to my Name, says the Lord. This morning I saw a vision of a great worship service before the throne of God.…
Testify World is a communication tool to share testimony of God’s work in this world. John Robb has shared “How Prayer is Transforming Nations” and is on the Testify World YouTube channel ( You can watch the video using this link:
“Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an apointed time.” Habakkuk 2:2-3a Dear Friends, We are in a defining moment in world history. With nations in an uproar, economies in upheaval, social order declining, and…
“He has shown his people the power of his works, giving them the lands of other nations.” (Ps. 111:6) “Ask of me and I will give you the nations as your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth as your possession.” (Psalm 2:8) “Burundi shall be saved!” Those were…
This next week, the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on two of the most significant legal challenges to marriage in our nation’s history. Hollingsworth v. Perry will be heard on March 26 and centers around California’s Proposition 8, a statewide marriage amendment – much like Arizona’s –…
We are in the midst of a fierce battle for marriage. The Supreme Court will be hearing testimony next week on March 26 and 27 concerning whether the Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and Proposition 8 in California (overturning homosexual marriage) should stand. The Court will render a decision…
Syrian Christians continue to request our prayers for their country. They note that, in recent months, there have been increasing numbers of attacks on Christians that seem to be religiously motivated. There has been a spate of reported incidents involving the kidnapping of Christians. One example occurred on 9th February…
Dear Brother John, I am sorry for being delayed in my response. Actually it is due to lack of electricity and net off-ness. Daily we do receive light and net about 3-4 hours. Most the time spending in darkness and under the candles. Just back to early 18-19th centuries. PTL. …
Right now, the situation in Nigeria is incredibly tense and urgently needs your prayers. AT least 60 people are thought to have been killed yesterday in a car bomb attack in Kano City. Most of the victims are likely to have been from the predominantly Christian Igbo tribe, who are…
Chinese state media recently reported that the government is looking to consolidate several ministries in order to streamline processes and reduce bureaucracy. One proposal that appears to be on the table is the potential folding of the Family Planning Commission, which enforces the One-Child Policy, into the Ministry of Health.…
Brief Report on Launch of WPA East Africa Chapter The launch of the World Prayer Assembly East Africa Chapter was carried out on Friday 8th February 2013 in response to the request to the Kenyan team to implement the strategies they had received in Indonesia at the WPA 2012 meeting.…