IPC Connections
Dear Friends, I am pleased to be bringing you this personal invitation to three special International Prayer Connect (IPC) initiatives taking place this Pentecost Season. We appreciate that everyone has local Church services and events happening during Pentecost, and they obviously come first... so do connect with us and sign…
Dear Friends, On behalf of the IPC Council, Board and our 14 Regional Councils, may I wish you and your family a Happy, Blessed Easter! You may well be aware that during Ramadan (Mar 10 - Apr 8), we are praying for advances in the sharing of the Gospel across…
I wanted to bring you two timely items of news, some words of encouragement and a free gift as we all plan to celebrate Christmas and to enjoy time with our families! Please find details below of the Sunrise Prayer Relay, taking place on New Year's Day. Many of us…
From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised. (Psalm 113:3)
Over the past few years on New Year's Day, thousands of Christians across 70 nations participated in the Sunrise Prayer Relay and we are excited that there…
We invite you and your families, contacts and networks to join us for the Global Day of Prayer for the Buddhist World on February 10th, 2024! Each year, IPC devotes 4 seasons of focused prayer for the Buddhist, Hindu Jewish and Hindu peoples. We pray concertedly using specially prepared adult and…
Years ago, I was taught how to pray the Word of God - and it has revolutionized my prayer life. It is the ultimate prayer manual written by God Himself. Scripture is the language of God’s heart! The Bible always makes His will clear to us through the written Word.…
“My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets…“ Says the Lord Almighty (NIV) Mal 1:11 We are pleased to bring you this November 2023 edition of IPC Connections! I trust that you will be blessed and encouraged as you read the…
‘Mountain Movers’ - Praying for the Hindu World in the Jesus’ name! As we prepare our hearts to pray for the Hindu world on November 12th, I want to encourage us to pray in the authority of the Name of Jesus!  Praying “in Jesus’ name” is a reality that changes…
“Firstly, Thank You All for attending and participating in the World Prayer Assembly of 2023! What an amazing and blessed time we had! We've heard so many amazing testimonies of how our Lord has touched the hearts and minds of so many who attended, for which we are very humble…
Hamas Vows to 'Repeat Oct 7 Attacks' as Blinken Lands in Israel and IDF Surrounds Gaza City JERUSALEM, Israel – Nearly one week after Israel's Gaza ground campaign began, Israeli forces have encircled Gaza City. The next phase of the fighting could be the most dangerous. Intense fighting continues in…
Students have held hundreds of protests and counterprotests on college campuses since the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israelis and Israel’s airstrikes on Gaza in response. At Tulane, a fight broke out after someone tried to burn an Israeli flag. At Columbia University, posters of kidnapped Israelis were torn down.…
In a recent press conference, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy denied that the conflict between Ukraine and Russia had reached a "stalemate." He emphasized that despite the front line between the two sides remaining largely unchanged for almost a year, he does not view it as a stalemate. Zelenskyy also rejected…
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