IPC Connections
In Ethiopia's war-torn Tigray region, a severe food shortage is exacerbating the suffering of its people. Two years of conflict, coupled with a debilitating drought, have created a dire situation. Malnutrition and hunger have reached critical levels, with devastating consequences, especially for children. Aid flows were temporarily suspended due to…
In Myanmar, the civil war has created a dangerous and unpredictable environment where nowhere is truly safe. The devastation caused by the conflict is evident everywhere, with destroyed buildings, temporary checkpoints, and burnt-out military vehicles lining the roads. Hospitals, schools, and other essential facilities have been targeted and destroyed, even…
A flooding emergency in western Beijing escalated, leading to the decision to divert the floodwaters to relieve pressure on the capital. However, this action caused unexpected devastation in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province, where the town was cut off, and residents faced shortages of electricity and drinking water. Emergency teams, including fire…
China has introduced a new law that strengthens President Xi Jinping's powers and asserts Beijing's interests on the global stage. The law aims to punish entities that act in ways deemed detrimental to China's interests, signalling a more assertive foreign policy and pushback against the US. It underscores China's aggressive…
WPA2023AU - October 3-6 2023 - One tribe, One family, One generation “A NEW WAVE OF GLORY TO COVER THE EARTH - AS THE WATERS COVER THE SEA.” HAB. 2:14 On behalf of the Churches and Prayer Ministries across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, International Prayer Connect and…
Wave of Glory – 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting Mon 28th August – Sun 17th September 2023 ‘For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.’  Hab 2:14 We invite you to join with us to pray…
JOIN THE GLOBAL UPPER ROOM! Stopping Cities for United Prayer & Worship with Repentance during the Days of Awe. 10 Days 2023 | September 15 - 25 What is 10 Days? 10 Days is a prayer meeting for your whole city. The goal is a season where Jesus Christ is…
▪▪ REACHING CITIES ▪▪ Praying: Revival/Redemption/Restoration 14 – 20 August 2023 24-7 Prayer for 7 cities in Europe and 7 cities in Africa Join us as we celebrate the Gospel that connected 7 cities in Europe and 7 cities in Africa in a special way... The day must come when…
Tom Victor is one of IPC’s founding members.  He serves on our Exec Team and is a Senior Advisor.  Tom is the Director of the Great Commission Coalition who’s vision is to serve Christ’s body to fulfil the Great Commission. To do this they focus on three important windows that…
The Beauty and Majesty of Jesus is a free 8-week online course led by Dr Jason Hubbard and facilitated by Melody Divine. During this course we will explore the depths of the beauty and majesty of Jesus as the Creator, the Lamb of Glory, the Glorious Bridegroom, the Good Shepherd,…
110 Cities Prayerwww.110cities.com      Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room https://www.globalfamily24-7prayer.org/ Prayer Covenant for Children Mobile App theprayercovenant.org/mobileapp/ The Beauty & Majesty of Jesus - 10 Aug to 28 Sep aqueductproject.org/ Reaching Cities – 14 to 20 Aug jwipn.com/ WPA 21 Days of Prayer – 28 Aug to 17 Sep wpa2023au.org …
Our vision is to see the 110 most unreached cities in the world reached with the Gospel, praying for thousands of Christ-exalting churches to be planted among them! We believe prayer is key! To this end we are reaching out in faith to cover this outreach with the powerful prayers…
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