IPC Connections
One year after the U.S. pull-out from Afghanistan, the situation inside the beleaguered nation is dire.  Todd Nettleton, the spokesman for The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM), a persecution watchdog serving Christians across the globe, told CBN’s Faithwire about the tragic conditions on the ground. “There’s a lot of hardship…
This September 25th - October 5th, hundreds of locations around the world will be gathering together for 10 Days of night and day prayer, fasting, worship, and repentance.  We invite you to join with the global church as together we lift up our voice to our God, crying out "Maranatha",…
We are excited to continue our GO PRAY 1st Friday, 'Praying for the Harvest' with key prayer ministries from around the world. We will meet together on October 7th, 6:00am - 7:00am (pacific) to pray together with Teaching and worship, led by Dr Jason Hubbard (IPC). Then from 7:00am -…
54 Days of Prayer for Africa – 26 Sept – 18 November. A prayer initiative by the South African Christian Leadership Initiative (SACLI), toward the healing of Africa from the wounds caused by slavery, colonialism, exploitation and racism. We invite Africa and the nations of the world to pray with…
Introducing the vision and events for Trumpets to Tabernacles 2022! EXALTING | PROCLAIMING | JESUS This year, global movements of prayer and mission are partnering once again in Trumpets to Tabernacles, a collaboration of events, missions and initiatives with a theme inspired by the fall Biblical feasts of Trumpets, Atonement,…
LOVE JAPAN is a network and movement of Japan churches that strongly hope and dream of changing Japan. We believe that change begins with prayer. Through prayer, we can become one in Christ. That's where God's work begins! Our Vision: Transformation – Unity – Revival – Next Generation – Seeing…
Last Quarter Evangelism (LQE) 2022 gets underway on the African continent on October 1st! A student-designed, student-led outreach running from October 1st through December 31st in partnership with All Africa Baptist Fellowship (AABF), All Africa Baptist Youth Fellowship (AABYF) and The Prayer Covenant. We rejoice over the one million conversions…
LOCKDOWN IS OVER FOR MANY BUT “PANDEMIC ANXIETY” STILL HOLDS GRIP We live in challenging times & hope for many is shrinking. With COVID the “shadow virus” of suicide has taken many lives and touched multiple families. We are fighting suicide & depression on a scale we have not seen…
Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room https://www.globalfamily24-7prayer.org/ 110 Cities Prayer Initiative110cities.pray4movement.org    Prayer Covenant for Children Mobile App theprayercovenant.org/mobileapp/ WPA 2.0 Replaysww.worldprayerassembly.org Global Day of Hope Broadcast www.globaldayofhope.com Romans 911 Webinar - Sep 1www.reconnectingministries.org IHOPKC The Return - SEP 22 - 24 www.ihopkc.org/return 54 Days of Prayer for Africa - 26 Sept…
The Moravians changed the world By God’s grace, we will too. The prayers of humble believers change the course of history. A band of ragtag worshippers discovered this truth in 18th-century rural Germany, launching a 100-year prayer meeting that birthed the modern missionary movement. Often overlooked, the story of the…
“Teach us to pray,” was the humble request of Jesus’ disciples over two thousand years ago and remains the heart cry of many of His followers today. Declaring the promises of God through prayer can lead to untold blessings and opportunities. Candy Marballi’s newly released book, He Hears Her Voice,…
Join many thousands of followers of Jesus around the world in praying for global Church Planting and Disciple Making movements using Disciple Keys! Across each week of the year, we are taking you on an inspiring and challenging worldwide journey of discovery as you are introduced to many of the…