IPC Connections
In Port-au-Prince you cannot see the boundaries, but you must know where they are. Your life may depend on it. Competing gangs are carving up the Haitian capital, kidnapping, raping, and killing at will. They demarcate their territory in blood. Cross from one gang's turf to another, and you may…
On 14th December, Iran has been removed from the United Nations women’s body, a move pushed by the United States as the Iranian government continues to repress protests across the country. “UN Member States just voted to remove Iran from the Commission on the Status of Women,” the US ambassador to the…
Hospitals in China appear to be filling up amid concerns about a fresh Covid-19 wave hitting the country, the World Health Organization (WHO) says.  Dr Michael Ryan says intensive care units (ICU) are busy despite officials saying numbers are "relatively low".  In recent days hospitals in Beijing and other cities…
A 5.8-magnitude earthquake hit Indonesia’s main island of Java on 8th December with no immediate reports of damage, less than a month after another quake in the same province killed more than 300 people. The quake struck at 07:50 am local time (0050 GMT) around 15 kilometres from the town…
More than 20 million men, women and children continue to depend on humanitarian assistance across Ethiopia. Millions have seen their source of livelihood disrupted when they were uprooted from their homes fleeing hostilities or drought. Parents have seen their children suffer from malnutrition for lack of adequate food and water…
During 2023, millions of believers around the world will be committing to ‘Pray Together’ for gospel movements in the Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu nations.  We are committing to pray on 4 Global Days of Prayer Chinese New Year Jan 22nd 8am (EST) to 8am (EST) – Praying Together for the…
Will you join us in Praying for the Buddhist World during the 21-day lead up to Chinese New Year? We are calling Christians and churches worldwide to take 21 days, January 2- 22, to learn about and pray for our world’s Buddhist friends. With an illustrated and helpful guide, we…
People are More Open to the Gospel During the Holidays! The photo above is from a church service in India where hundreds of churches worked together to share their faith during the holidays. The Christmas season is here! And so are opportunities to share your faith. Holiday gatherings, presents, and…
Jesus is the ultimate man of prayer! Like the disciples, we will come and ask the Lord Jesus, “teach us to pray” at this course starting on January 5, 2023! – Led by Dr Jason Hubbard. During this course we will explore the prayers of Jesus, the parables of Jesus…
We are excited to continue our GO PRAY 1st Friday, 'Praying for the Harvest' with key prayer ministries from around the world. We will meet together on January 6th, 6:00am - 7:00am (pacific) to pray together with Teaching and worship, led by Dr Jason Hubbard (IPC). Then from 7:00am -…
JOIN US FOR FIVE DAYS IN KANSAS CITY, MO! Discover Your Place in God's Story. YOUR IMMERSE JOURNEY During your five days you will experience teaching to enlarge your vision, ministry times to hear the Lord’s voice and encounter Him, worship in the Global Prayer Room (where prayer with worship…
110 Cities Prayerwww.110cities.com 21 Days Buddhist World Prayer – Prayer Guide 110cities.com/buddhistprayerguide/ Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room https://www.globalfamily24-7prayer.org/ Prayer Covenant for Children Mobile App theprayercovenant.org/mobileapp/ WPA 2.0 Replayswww.worldprayerassembly.org Last Quarter Evangelism - Oct 1 to Dec 31theprayercovenant.org/ Revive Europe – 28 Dec – 2 Jan https://reviveeurope.org/en/ New Years Day Prayer…