IPC Connections
(by Bekele Shanko) WHY GLOBAL CHURCH PLANTING DAY? The New Testament church was born in the second chapter of the book of Acts, a day that can be considered as the birthday of the global church. It was a special day and a part of God’s eternal plan. The disciples…
Join many people from across the nations for a one hour program kicking off a Global Day of Prayer for Go Month!  On Sunday May 1st, we will join in united prayers for the launch of this month of evangelism led by many respected world leaders. WATCH THE GO PRAY PROGRAM…
One Miracle Night is an annual, one-day event that unites believers around the world to pray for Muslims to encounter Jesus Christ in 24 key cities. It is a live, 24-hour prayer event, and takes place on Thursday, April 28, 2022, starting at 8am EST One evening during Ramadan, the…
Introducing the Global Jesus Fast 2022 40day Prayer Guide We invite you to join us in 40 days of prayer and fasting between March 7th and April 15th. Download Prayer Guide Wherever I go and with whomever I speak, there seems to be a burgeoning expectation concerning 2022. We discern…
The All Nations 'Prayer for the Nations' course will be a rich week of learning in a safe online environment with others from across the nations. You will experience ethnic worship and various ways of engaging in corporate prayer with like-minded believers who are passionate for God!  The teaching will…
We are pleased to bring you this November 2021 edition of IPC Connections.  We have been encouraged by readers’ responses to our Harvest Prayer TV program, produced in partnership with our friends at GO Movement and GODTV.  It is a 30-minute program filled with encouraging answers to prayer and heartening…
I believe one of the great storylines of the Scriptures is this: The Father giving his Son a bride. She would be an eternal companion, an equally yoked partner in love, who would be at his side to reign and rule with him forever!  The Bible starts with a wedding…
As of 4th November, the total global figure for people infected by Covid-19 stood at 248.2 million according to Johns Hopkins University. In addition to this, the recorded number who have died totalled 5,023,246.  There are signs of a small upward trend in cases since a low point mid-October.   49.9% of the world population has…
Afghanistan is on the brink of a starvation crisis, with more than half its population — some 22.8 million people — projected to face acute food insecurity this winter, according to a report co-led by the United Nations’ World Food Program and Food and Agriculture Organization. Nearly 19 million Afghans,…
Sudan’s military seized power Monday 25th October, dissolving the transitional government hours after troops arrested the acting prime minister and other officials. Thousands of people flooded into the streets to protest the coup that threatens the country’s shaky progress toward democracy. The takeover comes more than two years after protesters forced the ouster…
The U.S. State Department released a statement condemning the "gross violations of human rights" after Burmese security forces fired heavy artillery into a town in the predominantly Christian Chin state, setting at least 100 homes and two churches on fire. The attack was in retaliation after a Chin militia shot…
The Ohio Senate overwhelmingly approved legislation on Wednesday to stop infanticide by ensuring that babies who survive abortions receive basic medical care. The State Senate Bill 157 passed in a 25-6 vote and now heads to the state House for consideration. The pro-life bill would create penalties for abortionists who fail to…