Displaying items by tag: Germany

France, Germany, and the UK have introduced new sanctions on Iran for supplying ballistic missiles to Russia, which US secretary of state Antony Blinken said  will be used against Ukraine. The sanctions include restrictions on Iran Air and travel bans on military officials. UK foreign secretary David Lammy described Iran's actions as ‘a dangerous escalation’. Several individuals and organisations involved in the supply of the missiles face sanctions, and Russian cargo ships transporting these supplies have also been targeted. The Western nations have demanded that Iran halt its missile deliveries, citing security threats to Europe. Blinken and Lammy also flew to Ukraine to ‘hear directly from the leadership’ about their objectives. Volodymyr Zelensky has asked for authorisation to use Western-supplied missiles to strike targets inside Russia - a move the USA has so far resisted. Russia continues to make advances in eastern Ukraine.

Published in Europe

Sir Keir Starmer has emphasised that his government's intention to improve relations with the EU does not equate to reversing Brexit. Speaking alongside German chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin, Starmer highlighted the desire for a closer relationship with Europe, focusing on trade, defence, and economic growth, while ruling out rejoining the single market or customs union. The discussions also included plans for a treaty aimed at boosting cooperation between the UK and Germany, particularly in areas such as energy security and science. While the EU has proposed a youth mobility scheme to allow young people to study and work across borders, Starmer clarified that the UK has no plans to adopt such a scheme but is open to enhancing educational and cultural exchanges. The discussions were welcomed by some as a step towards mending UK-EU relations, while others expressed concerns or called for more ambitious efforts to rebuild ties with Europe.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 01 August 2024 22:01

Türkiye: largest prisoner swap since 1985

Journalist Evan Gershkovich and US marine Paul Whelan have been released from Russian jails in the largest prisoner swap with the West since the Cold War. The exchange, the result of months of complex negotiations, also freed British-Russian dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza, who had been sentenced to 25 years for opposing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Others released include Radio Free Europe editor Alsu Kurmasheva, anti-war artist Aleksandra Skochilenko, dissident politician Ilya Yashin, two former staffers for Alexei Navalny, and Russian-German dual citizen Kevin Lik. The swap, conducted in Turkey, involved the US, Russia, Germany, and other nations, led by Joe Biden and his national security team. Biden, speaking from the White House with the families of the released, called it ‘a very good afternoon’ and praised the diplomacy involved. He acknowledged Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Norway, and Turkey for their roles in the negotiation and logistical support.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 18 July 2024 21:55

Germany: coalition finally passes 2025 budget

The German cabinet has at last approved its 2025 budget after months of wrangling, despite a €17 billion shortfall between projected spending and revenue. Finance minister Christian Lindner stated that innovative measures and stronger growth from a new economic package should generate an additional €6 billion next year. The budget includes record investments of €78 billion, net borrowing of €43.8 billion, and a total size of €481 billion. The country aims to boost its economy by over 0.5% in 2025. Lindner defended the budget's legality and fiscal prudence despite analysts’ concerns. Military aid to Ukraine will be reduced next year, as Ukraine is expected to secure $50 billion in loans from the G7. Germany was the worst performing major economy last year, with gross domestic product contracting by 0.3%. It pulled out of recession early this year, but growth has been slower than expected. Reaching agreement on the budget has been a major test for a coalition often accused of being hobbled by internal disagreements.

Published in Europe

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has denied Nicaragua's request for emergency measures to halt Germany's arms sales to Israel, claiming that this violated the UN genocide convention. Germany is a key ally of Israel and its second-largest arms supplier after the USA, supplying 30% in 2023. Nicaragua also accused Germany of breaching the UN genocide convention by halting funding for UNRWA, the UN's aid agency, over allegations of staff involvement in attacks on Israel. While Germany welcomed the ICJ's decision, it said that it is the largest donor of humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, and that it was working ‘urgently’ to ensure that aid reaches the people of Gaza. The ICJ's decision on emergency measures came swiftly, but a final ruling could take years: it will now decide if it has jurisdiction over the case. Nicaragua, a longtime supporter for the Palestinian cause, has itself often been criticised for its human rights issues, including crackdowns on dissent and protests.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 18 April 2024 21:50

Germany / China: Scholz’s balancing act

German chancellor Olaf Scholz has tried to strike a delicate balance on a trip to China. He wanted to promote business ties but also to raise concerns over China's export surge to Europe and its support for Russia’s war in Ukraine. Meeting with top leaders including Xi Jinping, he adopted a conciliatory tone in his discussions, emphasising partnership while acknowledging China as a competitor and systemic rival. This marked his first visit since Germany categorised China as such and called for reduced dependency on Chinese goods. Germany faces economic challenges, exacerbated by rising energy prices due to the Ukraine war. Scholz also urged Jinping to press Russia to end its ‘senseless’ war with Ukraine: see

Published in Europe

Two alleged spies, dual German-Russian nationals, have been arrested in Bavaria for suspected espionage related to sabotaging German military aid for Ukraine. The main suspect, Dieter S, is accused of various offences, including maintaining contact with Russian intelligence, and fighting for a Russian proxy force in eastern Ukraine. Allegedly, he was planning sabotage operations such as explosive and arson attacks on military and industrial infrastructure, including US military facilities. Germany is the second-largest donor of military aid to Ukraine after the USA. The arrests mark another blow against Russian espionage efforts in Germany. Meanwhile, in what is being called Austria’s biggest espionage scandal in decades, Egisto Ott has been arrested on suspicion of spying. He is believed to have been recruited, along with other officials, by Jan Marsalek, who fled to Moscow in 2020. See

Published in Europe

On 21 February, In a coordinated effort across four German states, with cooperation from France and Belgium, law enforcement agencies launched a targeted operation against a suspected human-smuggling gang at dawn. This response to illegal trafficking reflects growing concerns over such activities in Europe. It aimed not just to make arrests but to dismantle the entire network. The raid sheds light on the human suffering behind smuggling, emphasising the need for international collaboration to address its root causes. It underscores the importance of comprehensive strategies prioritising human dignity and safety. While there are questions about its long-term impact, the move represents a pivotal moment in the struggle against trafficking. It serves as a beacon of hope for a future where exploitation does not thrive on the vulnerabilities of the desperate.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 07 December 2023 21:40

Germany: coalition government faces budget crisis

A budget crisis in Germany has struck at the heart of the ambitions of the ruling Green Party within the coalition government led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The crisis centres around a significant budget shortfall, partly caused by the Greens' ambitious climate policies and the economic impact of the Covid pandemic. The Greens had planned to invest heavily in green initiatives, but the financial constraints have forced them to reconsider and scale back their plans. The crisis has also highlighted tensions within the coalition, with the Greens pushing for increased borrowing to fund their projects, while others are concerned about the country's fiscal stability. Chancellor Scholz faces the challenge of finding a balance between green policies and economic responsibility.

Published in Europe

During a visit to southern Tanzania, German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier apologised and asked for forgiveness for colonial-era killings during Germany’s rule. He vowed to raise awareness of the atrocities in his country, in a step towards ‘communal healing’ of the bloody past. Tanzania suffered under German colonial rule for decades, and saw one of the region’s deadliest uprisings from 1905 to 1907. During the revolt, known as the Maji Maji Rebellion, between 200,000 and 300,000 Indigenous people were murdered by German troops. Steinmeier said Germany was ready to begin a ‘communal processing’ of the past, as he met with descendants of an executed leader of the revolt. In contrast, on a state visit to Kenya, King Charles III expressed ‘deep regret’ for the ‘abhorrent and unjustifiable’ acts of violence committed during the 1952-1960 Mau Mau revolt, in which 90,000 Kenyans died, but stopped short of apologising or proposing reparations. See

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