Displaying items by tag: Church of England

Friday, 06 October 2017 09:11

Walkout threatened at Primates' meeting

Conservative Anglican church group GAFCON has said some Primates may walk out of the Anglican Communion Primates' meeting, over the issue of same-sex marriage. The Scottish Episcopal Church will be asked to repent for its decision to let clergy conduct same-sex weddings last June. The Archbishops of Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda refused to attend a recent Anglican Primates' meeting over what they deem to be a weak stance in the Church on the issue of sexuality. Meanwhile on 5 October Justin Welby said that a ban on Scottish Anglicans taking part in some votes and holding certain offices ‘will be followed through’, after a meeting where anger and disappointment were expressed. The ban would involve exclusion from debate on doctrine and from chairing Anglican Communion committees. Archbishop Welby said that no vote was taken against the Scottish Anglicans by the Primates, but there was a ‘consensus’.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 September 2017 10:00

Parents remove son from CofE school

A six-year-old boy’s parents removed him from a church school, in a row over another boy wearing a dress. Their son was confused as to why the boy dressed as both a boy and a girl. The couple were told that under the school's bullying policy their son faced being disciplined for misidentifying the gender of the other pupil. The diocese responsible for the school said it is required to ‘respect diversity of all kinds’, and its policy regarding boys wearing dresses is, ‘if a child wants to do that then we just have to accept it’. The couple are suing the school for ‘overriding their religious beliefs’. The Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust handle ‘under-18 gender issues’. Since 2015 the number of referrals to them of children under the age of ten has risen from 87 to 216 (32 aged five or under). See also

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 September 2017 09:56

Priests-in-training and the BCP

The Prayer Book Society gives free copies of the 17th-century Book of Common Prayer to first-year students in theological colleges. This year they will also be given a key to some of the BCP’s more old-fashioned words and phrases. Tim Stanley, the Society's press officer, conceived the scheme because although the language of the prayer book is very beautiful, it is also very ancient, and modern readers might find some words difficult to understand or interpret. The glossary will be given in a bookmark form, and is also available on the Society's website. See:

Published in British Isles
Friday, 18 August 2017 15:51

Modern slavery 'prevalent' in UK

In October, the Church of England will launch a three-year project aimed at helping people in dioceses across the country to tackle modern slavery. It is the latest in a series of moves the CofE has made to help the government address this phenomenon. Over 200 years since Britain abolished slavery, there are still an estimated 11,700 potential slave victims in the UK. A new report from the National Crime Agency says that modern slavery is now 'prevalent' in every large town and city in the country. The Church of England, with a presence in every parish, is uniquely placed to be the eyes and ears of communities, and will be able to spread a message of awareness further afield. Churches are already running English classes for survivors. See also article 3 in this week’s World section.

Published in British Isles

Members of the Church of England's ruling body have voted not to ‘take note’ of a controversial report on homosexuality and same-sex marriage. The report by the House of Bishops (see Prayer Alert 05-2017, dated 3 February) called for a ‘culture of welcome and support’ for gay Christians, but maintained that marriage in church should be only between a man and a woman, and services should not be held to bless same-sex relationships. Following hours of debate, the House of Bishops voted overwhelmingly (43 to 1) in favour of the report, and the House of Laity backed it by 106 votes to 83. But the report had to win backing in all three houses, and the Clergy rejected it by 100 votes to 93, with two abstentions. Bishops will now have to produce a new report on the issue. The decision was welcomed by LGBT rights campaigners, some of whom had staged a protest ahead of the debate. Lucy Gorman, an activist and Synod member from York, said: ‘Thank you Synod. With that vote we've sent a message to the outside world.’ The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, concluded the debate with a call for ‘a radical new Christian inclusion’.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 February 2017 09:15

C of E report on same-sex marriage

A new report by the House of Bishops has said that the Church of England should adopt a ‘fresh tone and culture of welcome and support’ for gay people, but that there was little support for changing the Church's teaching that marriage was between one man and one woman. The report said the Church needed to repent of homophobic attitudes. It also said all potential clergy - straight and gay - will be asked about their sexual conduct and lifestyle., The Bishop of Norwich, Graham Jones, felt that present arrangements for asking ordinands and clergy about their relationships and lifestyle are not really working very well. He said, ‘All clergy are asked at their ordination whether they will fashion their lives after the way of Christ. We believe we should revisit how this is explored beforehand, so the same questions are addressed to everyone without distinction.’ But Andrew Foreshaw-Cain, a parish priest in north London who is in a same-sex marriage, told the BBC that the report was ‘a failure of leadership’. He added: ‘The LGBT community is going to be extremely hurt by this. We were asked to trust our leaders. Many of us made ourselves vulnerable during the shared conversations, and none of that has been heard. The bishops have gone ahead and talked as if we didn't take part in it and as if we are not there.’

Published in Europe
Friday, 27 January 2017 10:10

Problems for diocese due to Brexit

The C of E’s Diocese in Europe has begun exploring the implications that Britain’s decision to leave the EU might have on British-national clergy deployed to the continent. At present, as members of the EU, British nationals - including clergy - can travel, reside, and work in any of the other 27-member states without requiring visas or work permits. That may change when Britain leaves the EU. There are also questions about whether the reciprocal health-care arrangements for citizens of EU member states will continue to apply to British nationals once the UK completes the withdrawal process. The shape of the implications of Brexit on British citizens in Europe won’t be known until the conclusion of the negotiations on Britain’s new relationship with the EU. But the diocese has begun the process of exploring what the effects might be on its churches and their members across the continent, including a day of talks with Government minister Lord Bridges.

Published in Europe
Saturday, 07 January 2017 03:06

First BAME bishop for 20 years

One month after a large group of black and minority-ethnic (BAME) clergy wrote a letter criticising the lack of non-white senior clergy in the CofE, Downing Street has announced the appointment of the first BAME bishop for twenty years. The next Bishop of Woolwich will be the Vicar of St John’s, Upper Holloway, Revd Woyin Karo­wei Dorgu. The 58-year-old was born and brought up in Nigeria, and worked as a GP before training for ordination. He has been Vicar of St John’s since 2000. ‘We are greatly honoured to be invited to share and contribute to this dynamic ministry of bringing God’s love to the people of Wool­wich and the diocese,’ Revd Dorgu said. Speaking to reporters, he said, ‘I want to encourage BAME vocations and more participation in ministry. I will celebrate the divers­ity in race, ability, gender, sexuality, and class. Celebrating our differ­ences is a gift.’

Published in British Isles
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