Displaying items by tag: Praise

Friday, 06 October 2017 09:25

Heroism at Las Vegas shooting

The USA and the world are still reeling from the horrific shooting that killed 59 people and wounded over 500 more on 1 October in Las Vegas. While we are all still grappling with this senseless act of violence and ‘pure evil,’ as President Trump termed it, there are also stories of courage and heroism which showcase the best aspects of the human spirit. Many people acted selflessly during the shooting. One couple attending the concert fled from the scene in their pickup truck, but returned to help transport the wounded to hospitals. Another story emerged of a husband who gave his life for his wife by shielding her with his body as bullets rained down on the crowd. Two friends at the concert heard the shots and hid under some tables, then a complete stranger came and shielded them.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 06 October 2017 09:23

Turkey offers to free pastor

Turkey’s president has now confirmed publicly that an American pastor jailed for the past twelve months is being held as a political hostage. In a speech at his presidential palace, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan openly called on the United States to exchange pastor Andrew Brunson for Muslim cleric Fethullah Gülen, a Turkish citizen living in exile in the US since 1999 who is accused of masterminding last year’s failed coup via his international network of followers.

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Friday, 29 September 2017 12:23

Extending archbishop’s youth charity

Dr John Sentamu said it has never been so important to support young people as he launched a major fundraising drive to extend the reach of his youth trust almost a decade after it launched. The Youth Trust seeks to ‘change our world for the better’, and has supported more than 50,000 pupils in 450 schools since 2008. It has now embarked on a drive to raise £375,000 to extend leadership courses for those living in the top 20% of the most deprived areas across the north of England. That means reaching an additional 15,000 youth from disadvantaged communities, in 300 primary and secondary schools, in the next eighteen months.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 29 September 2017 12:03

500,000 to take Bibles to school

About 500,000 public school students, from all fifty US states, will join the Focus on the Family's Bring Your Bible to School day on 5 October. This is the fourth such annual student-led religious freedom event. Many Christian students feel there is unspoken pressure on them to stay silent about their faith. Others report overt efforts to silence them from presenting their Bible-based viewpoints in class discussions or assignments, even though the First Amendment recognises the rights of students to talk about their faith and read their Bibles outside classroom time. This day gives Christians the chance to show how their faith is an important part of who they are. 356,000 students participated last year, with Alliance Defending Freedom offering students free legal representation if their rights were violated at school.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 22 September 2017 11:00

From HOPE's executive director

‘I’ve just returned from an amazing gathering of Christian leaders meeting for 24 hours to pray and consider how we make Jesus known in our country over the next thirty years. The Windermere Leaders' Summit was hosted by HOPE, the Church of England, and the Evangelical Alliance. It was humbling to be led in prayer by Namjin Kim from the Korean churches in the UK (did you know that hundreds of South Korean Christians visit our country, at their own cost and in their holiday time, to intercede for us)? Yemi Adedeji, HOPE’s associate director, and Pete Greig from the 24/7 prayer movement spoke prophetically in the opening Bible sessions. Yemi focused on Jesus’ encounter with the grieving widow from Nain (Luke 7): “Jesus is speaking to his Church: arise!” and Pete spoke from 1 Kings 18 on Elijah: “I hear the sound of a heavy rain!”’

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Friday, 22 September 2017 10:58

From the Bishop of the Northeastern Caribbean

‘Dear brothers and sisters, Hurricane Irma has dealt a hard blow to our diocese and beyond. We are grateful to Almighty God for sparing our lives, and mourn for those whose lives were ended. I urge you to remember the Apostle Peter when he got out of the boat to join Jesus walking on the water. He was fine until he let the winds and waves distract him from the Lord. When he began to sink, he cried out, “Jesus, save me”. And He did. As we go through these difficult days of cleaning up after Irma and struggling with the loss of life and property, let me urge you to keep your eyes on Jesus. Please pray for one another and do not let Satan cause you to stumble. Many places of worship have been damaged, but few of the flock were taken from us. By God’s grace, we will rebuild and prosper in our Lord Jesus.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 15 September 2017 10:10

Yemen: kidnapped priest finally released

On 18 March 2016 Prayer Alert readers prayed for the safety of an Indian priest who had been abducted when a Catholic care home for the frail and disabled in Aden was attacked. See On 12 September India’s foreign minister released a tweet that read, ‘I am happy to say that Father Tom has been rescued’. Last December he appeared in a video, begging for his life. Pope Francis appealed for his release, but nothing seemed to happen. The video confirmed he was in very poor health. He will now go to Rome, where he will get medical treatment.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 15 September 2017 10:07

USA / Philippines: two convictions for trafficking

Courts on opposite sides of the USA convicted two men for sexually exploiting children thousands of miles away in the Philippines. Two young survivors flew to California to testify in one of the trials. Last weekend they were home, knowing that their voices had been heard and the men will terrify no more. The FBI shared intelligence with the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), and the International Justice Mission supported the follow-up operations in the Philippines. The girls are now 10 and 13 years old. Their families supported having their daughters participate in both the local trial and the trial in California, a significant amount of time and preparation. One of the girls’ mothers explained that she was ‘willing to leave our families at home and testify abroad to fight for justice for what the men from California did to our children.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 08 September 2017 10:41

Iraq: Christians returning to Mosul

In July many feared that Christians would not be able to return to Mosul (see ). However, they are cautiously coming back; and as they do so, so does the Mass. Father Luis Montes celebrated Mass at St George’s Monastery. The priest travelled to Mosul to record part of a documentary that seeks to show the reality of life for Christians in Iraq and Syria. ‘The experience of celebrating the Eucharist amidst so much devastation was awe-inspiring’, he said. ‘In this place, which has been attacked for being Christian, the contemplation of the mystery of the cross, which is renewed in Holy Mass, had so much power. Some priests later told the young people who accompanied me that they believed that this was the first Mass celebrated in the last three years within Mosul, which was among the areas hardest hit by IS. It’s really a gift from God.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 08 September 2017 10:36

Middle East: fearlessly spreading God's Word

Nizar Shaheen, of Light for the Nations (a Christian programme aired in Muslim-dense areas), says, ‘I've seen many, many Arabic-speaking people turning to Christ, accepting Him as Lord and Saviour. It's happening all over the Arab world; in North Africa and the Gulf countries; in Europe, Canada and the United States. Everywhere, people are accepting Jesus.’ Also in the Middle East, Coptic priest Father Zakaria Botros is confronting Islam with an in-your-face style of television and internet evangelism. He reports Muslims turning to Jesus: ‘young and old, educated and not educated, males and females, even those who are fanatical.’ It is not uncommon these days to hear of Muslims encountering God as they slept. Around the world, many who have converted to Christianity say they have done so after dreaming of a person who they believe is Jesus Christ.

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