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Wednesday, 19 May 2010 14:27

Christians feel marginalised and pushed out of public life while other faiths are handled with kid gloves, according to a flagship BBC documentary shown on Easter Sunday. The film was presented by Nicky Campbell and featured two cases backed by The Christian Institute: Lillian Ladele, the registrar disciplined for her stance on civil partnerships, and Ben & Sharon Vogelenzang, the Christian hoteliers charged with a crime for criticising Islam. The hour-long programme called ‘Are Christians Being Persecuted?’ investigated widespread claims that Christianity is being sidelined in modern Britain. A poll conducted for the documentary showed that 44 per cent think Britain has become less tolerant of religion. Mr Campbell concluded the documentary asking: ‘So, are Christians being persecuted? No they’re not being tortured or killed like Christians in Pakistan and the Sudan. But a minority believes they are being sidelined and victimised. By the standards of a liberal society that can feel like persecution.’ Watch on BBC iPlayer available until Sunday. See link Highly recommended

Pray: that each one of us will live our lives as a clear expression of our Christian faith and not be ‘sidelined’. (1Th.1:3)


Tuesday, 01 June 2010 16:14

Religious coverage is seen as a ‘rather tiresome obligation’ by ‘secular and sceptical’ BBC television staff, a Radio 4 broadcaster has said. Roger Bolton called for the appointment of a BBC religion editor to improve coverage of faith matters. He was speaking at the Sandford St Martin Trust awards for religious programmes, for which he was chairman of the judges. The BBC replied that its commitment to religion broadcasting was ‘unequivocal’. Mr Bolton, who presents BBC Radio 4's Feedback programme, told the London ceremony that a religious perspective was often ‘bafflingly absent’ both on air and in editorial discussions behind the scenes. A BBC spokeswoman said there was ‘no downward trend in our religion and ethics television output’. Earlier this year, the Church of England's general synod expressed ‘deep concern’ at a perceived cut in religious programming by mainstream broadcasters. (See Prayer alert 2010)

Pray:for God to protect the religious content of the BBC and pray that believers would speak out boldly for their faith. (Ph.1:9-10)





Friday, 16 August 2013 20:01

The BBC broadcasted a reality-style children’s programme on a gay couple preparing for their civil partnership ceremony. The show had been re-named for the edition, and was called Marrying Dad and Dad instead of Marrying Mum and Dad. The format of the series involves the couple’s children organising the day as a surprise, and the episode showed the same-sex couple’s children putting together a James Bond-themed day. Monday’s show featured Mark and Paul, who were the first same-sex couple to adopt children on the island of Jersey. Marrying Dad and Dad was aired on the digital channel CBBC on Monday 12 August. In January this year a BBC report recommended that children should be introduced to homosexuality from an early age on TV. The report said ‘incidental portrayal’ of lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people should be incorporated within programming aimed at children.

Pray: for the BBC programmers that they will not increase the number of such shows aimed at young children. (Pr.3:1)



Monday, 17 September 2012 11:15

The BBC has a mindset that assumes Christians are ‘lunatics’, one of its own broadcasters has said. Roger Bolton, former Sunday programme host, said a ‘liberal secular elite’ is dominating television. He said: ‘Just because somebody is against gay marriage or against IVF doesn’t necessarily mean they are a lunatic.’ Mr Bolton also thinks the BBC unfairly pokes fun at Christianity but would not dare with Islam. He said: ‘Other faiths do not have to put up with what Christianity has to put up with. ‘Muslims in particular ought to be mature enough in this country to take that humour. ‘Christians do have a right to say it’s about time that the satire which applied to them ought to be applied to others.’ Roger Bolton was speaking at the BBC’s Re: Think festival in Salford for an event called ‘Rethinking the God Slot. Mr Bolton has said in the past that BBC television executives are ‘secular and sceptical.’

Pray: God to raise up Christian men and women to work at all levels in the BBC including senior management. (Ro.1:16)


Thursday, 22 September 2011 20:45

BBC actor John Barrowman has launched a blistering attack on the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland for defending the traditional definition of marriage. Earlier this month the Scottish Government, led by the Scottish National Party, launched a consultation on whether to redefine marriage but the proposal has met fierce opposition from senior figures within the Church. Now Mr Barrowman, who plays the main character in BBC One’s Torchwood, said that he was ‘horrified’ that church groups were ‘prepared to ruin lives’. He added: ‘That’s not being Christian at all. In fact, I think it’s evil. Being gay is not, as they claim, against the laws of nature. I was born this way.’ The actor, who has been in a civil partnership since 2006, made the comments after the Archbishop of Glasgow and the Bishop of Paisley warned against meddling with the definition of marriage. (See last week’s Prayer Alert)

Pray: that the Church would continue to speak up boldly for the sanctity of marriage. (Heb.13:4)


Thursday, 25 July 2013 16:24

The BBC’s religious output has fallen by 20 per cent in one year, according to its latest annual report. One secularist group welcomed the figures, claiming audiences see religion as unimportant. But a recent BBC Trust report highlighted a lack of knowledge about religion amongst some BBC staff. Across the broadcaster’s TV and Radio stations religious programmes amounted to 1,126 hours in the 2012-13 period, down from 1,393 in 2011-12. Religious output on BBC One decreased by just three per cent, whereas overall radio content fell by a fifth from 1,211 to 975 hours. On digital channel BBC Four, the number of hours devoted to religious programmes dropped from 53 hours to five. Terry Sanderson, president of the National Secular Society said: ‘It is good that the BBC is taking notice of its audiences at last - who according to its own research don’t regard religion as an important genre and hardly ever watch it.’

Pray: that the fall of religious content in the BBC will be reversed and the secular influence will also be greatly reduced. (Is.40:23)


Tuesday, 20 July 2010 15:10

The BBC has been forced to defend an East Enders' storyline after outraged viewers accused the Corporation of anti-Christian bias. The complaints centre around a portrayal of a Christian Pentecostal pastor as a deranged killer whose deeds are motivated by his Christian faith. Viewers watched the pastor failing to help his ex-wife when she was dying, strangling a love rival to death and attacking his current wife. Over 100 viewers have now written to the Corporation saying that they find the storyline deeply offensive. The BBC issued a statement defending their controversial plot. Last year Don Maclean claimed that the BBC is keen on programmes which attack churches, and that there was a wider secularist campaign ‘to get rid of Christianity’. Daily Telegraph writer, Damian Thompson, said: ‘We are deep into the realms of BBC bias and ignorance here. Only a BBC drama series would, to quote the complainant, ‘transfer the practice of terrorist beheadings from Islamist radicals to a fantasised group of fundamentalist Christians’.

Pray: that BBC will give a more balanced view of Christians in their future programming. (Ho.14:9)



Friday, 25 November 2011 20:28

Basic care for the elderly in their own homes in England is so bad it breaches human rights at times, an inquiry says. The home care review by the Equality and Human Rights Commission highlighted cases of physical abuse, theft, neglect and disregard for privacy and dignity. It said on many occasions support for tasks such as washing and dressing was ‘dehumanising’ and left people ‘stripped of self-worth’. The findings have added weight to calls for a complete overhaul of the system. Campaigners described the situation as ‘shameful’, while councils, which are in charge of providing such services, said without urgent reform services would just get worse. There are currently nearly 500,000 people who are getting council-funded support in their own homes.

Pray: that the elderly will be shown respect and honour in their old age. (Lev.19:32)


Friday, 17 August 2012 10:50

The UN's emergency relief coordinator Valerie Amos is in Syria to discuss ways of getting aid to the estimated two million people caught up in the country's conflict. Diplomats warn that unless the violence eases it will be impossible to get emergency relief to the worst affected areas. Syria's PM Riad Hijab has spoken out for the first time since his defection last week – saying the regime controls no more than 30% of the territory, and he calls on the opposition abroad to unite and on the Syrian army to stand alongside its people. He said, ‘Syria is full of officials and military leaders who are awaiting the right moment to join the revolt.’ Baroness Amos said around 2.5m people across the country are now in need of assistance. See

that God would implement His way forward through Baroness Amos and others working for justice and peace for the people of Syria. (Ps.5:7,8)


Thursday, 07 July 2011 19:06

An Ofsted report last year stated the quality of RE lessons at many primary schools was ‘not good enough’ and ‘only six out of 10 schools are ‘satisfactory’ in teaching RE'. In response to this Barnabas Fund has launched a new resource pack to enrich teaching of Christianity within Religious Education called, ‘Assisting Christianity Teaching in Schools (ACTS)' and they are asking Christians to donate packs to local schools. Ofsted said ‘In many cases, the study of Jesus focused on an unsystematic collection of information about His life, with limited reference to His theological significance within the faith.’ The pack aimed at ages 7 to 11 covering basic Christianity, Bible reference, character development, the life and teachings of Jesus through children’s fiction and biographies, posters, maps, Bible guides, fact books, Bible story books, time lines, animated DVDs, activity workbooks and presentation slides.

Pray: that many churches will be able to step into this opportunity to meet educationl need. (Ps.34:11)
