Channel 4 to feature couples having sex in a box

Written by Super User 04 Oct 2013

Three couples, including a gay couple, will have sex in a box in front of a studio audience as part of a new Channel 4 series. But the broadcaster has been accused of grabbing ratings under a cover of trying to counteract the ‘explosion of online pornography’ During the programme, to be aired on 7 October, volunteer couples will be interviewed by presenter Mariella Frostrup after they have had sex in a sound-proofed and opaque cube. Comedian Bridget Christie highlighted that showing more sex ‘isn’t necessarily the answer’ to the problem of pornography. She said: ‘How to boost your ratings while pretending to help society? Fight sex with sex!’ And relationships expert Donna Dawson said in a BBC Radio 5 Live interview that this is an ‘extremely unnatural’ situation, and is being shown simply to excite viewers.

Pray:    that this show will not over glorify sex as so many Channel 4 shows do. (1Th.4:3)


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