Catholic church plans campaign to re-evangelise inactive members.

Written by Super User 14 Nov 2011

The Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales has launched its first outreach campaign to get people back into church, with its lapsed membership thought to number as many as five million. It started at the weekend in York with Crossing the Threshold, a national tour of talks and workshops to help clergy and parishioners re-evangelise friends and family. Around a million people regularly attend mass on Sundays, but church leaders say there are many more who are baptised but do not go. Kieran Conry, Bishop of Arundel and Brighton, said ‘There are probably people out there who would like to come back but don't know how to go about it. There is a fear of standing out, of doing the wrong thing.’ Churches could be intimidating places, said Conry, and it was important for those taking part to offer a personal invitation to lapsed Catholics to return. The tour will also take in Birmingham, Crawley and Cardiff.

Pray: for all those who have drifted away from church of any denomination that they may once again find fellowship there. (Mal.3:6)


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