Greece - considered one of the most family oriented countries in Europe is now seeing Children being abandoned at nursery groups, churches and foster charities because parents can no longer afford to care for them since the financial crisis caused widespread unemployment across the country. A priest told the BBC that he had not come across children simply being abandoned before. ‘The parents say they do not have any money or shelter or food for their kids, so they hope we might be able to provide them with what they need. In a heartbreaking incident - a single unemployed mother put her child into foster care with a charity after twelve months searching for work. Although she now has a job she cannot afford to take her daughter back as she earns only £16 a day. Previously children went into foster care because of drug and alcohol addiction in the family. Now it is because of poverty.

Pray: for God to give Greece’s politicians and bankers and leaders in commerce and industry the strategies to lead Greece back into His purposes. (Pr.21:5-6)


Voters in Bosnia-Herzegovina have begun casting ballots in general elections that are seen as crucial for the future of the fractured nation where politicians seek membership in the European Union (EU) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). There are international concerns the country will fall apart along ethnic lines. Almost 15 years after Bosnia's ethnic war ended, Muslims, Croats and Serbs have begun voting in elections that at least some people hope will increase cooperation in the fractured nation. The international community, which monitors Sunday's vote, point out that cooperation between the different ethnic communities is crucial, also to overcome a major economic crisis in the country, where statistics show over 40 percent of people are unemployed. Bosnia's more than three million voters can decide the future of their former Yugoslav republic at over 5,000 polling stations. First official results are expected by midnight local time.

Pray: that this Sunday’s vote will lead to increased cooperation between the communities. (Ro.15:5a)


‘Politicians from the West must put pressure on Bosnian politicians so that Catholic war refugees can also return to Bosnia at long last,’ said Bishop Franjo Komarica of Banja Luka Diocese, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Talking to the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need, Bishop Komarica, chair of the Bishop's Conference of Bosnia-Herzegovina, called on politicians to make sure refugees' basic rights are respected. According to the bishop, Catholics, who are ethnically Croats, have not received the same rights as Bosniaks and Serbsin the country. Bishop Komarica said: ‘Croatian Catholics must finally be put on an equal footing with the other two ethnic groups. They must be allowed to return from abroad and possibilities must be created for them to build up a life in their hometowns.’

Eight out of ten instances of violentattacks on members of the LGBT community in Europe go unreported, according to a report published (15 May). According to the report, compiled by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, and based on the experiences of 93,000 respondents across the European Union, around LGBT) people in Europe have suffered some form of violent attack. However, the huge majority of those attacks go unreported. This is part of a growing trend in Europe, says agency director, Morten Kjaerum. A report to be published in the autumn on anti-Semitism reveals that around 85% of Jewish respondents who faced attacks based on religion said they did not report the incidents. ‘There is an acceptance that violence is an everyday occurrence for these people,’ he said. In addition, there exists a ‘devastating’ lack of confidence in law enforcement agencies.

Pray: that the reactions of people to the LGBT community will not be hatred but God’s love. (1Jn.3:10)

More: r-reporting-hate-crime-must-europe


Tens of thousands of Belgians took to the streets on Sunday to shame political leaders who have failed to form a government more than seven months after an election and left the country at the mercy of financial markets. Organisers of the ‘Shame: no government, great country’ protest said up to 50,000 people had joined the march through the capital Brussels. Police put the figure at 34,000. Since the inconclusive June 2010 parliamentary vote, a caretaker administration has run the country while Dutch and French-speaking party leaders have argued over the degree to which powers and tax-raising rights should be transferred to regions of the linguistically divided country. ‘We are here because we want to show the political leaders that things must change. It's the politicians who are trying to split the country'.

Pray: that the government would listen to the people and work through their differences together. (Ep.4:2-4)

More: http:/

Divided French and Dutch speaking parties gathered in Brussels on Tuesday in a fresh bid to forge a new Belgian government. It is now more than 450 days since Belgium had a fully functioning administration; the country passed that unenviable milestone on Monday. Despite 15 months of deadlock it is hoped the latest round of talks will finally break through the impasse. Reporting from Brussels euronews Gulsum Alan says: ‘Some believe a deal can be reached if the Liberals and Christian Democrats want it badly enough. The alternative could be elections’. Longstanding linguistic and cultural divisions lie at the heart of the political stalemate, however the most acute problem is the future of Brussels. French speaking parties oppose plans to break up the city’s current electoral boundaries, a key demand of their Flemish counterparts. Belgium’s socialist leader Elio Di Rupo is the man currently charged with trying to strike a deal. He has had 10 predecessors since the elections in 2010.

Pray: for the spirit of unity to prevail and differences be healed. (Eph.4:3)


Police in three countries have arrested 10 radical Islamists over a terrorist plot to attack Belgium, Belgian federal prosecutors say. They were detained in police swoops in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany after a year-long investigation by police in the Belgian city of Antwerp. An 'international jihadist terrorist group' was allegedly plotting to attack an unspecified target in Belgium. The police investigation also looked at funding for a Chechen militant group. The 10 suspects were arrested in simultaneous operations on Tuesday, a spokeswoman for prosecutors said in a press release. Among the 10 arrested are Belgians, Dutch, Moroccans and Chechens, and most of the detainees are resident in Antwerp, the prosecutors' spokeswoman said. In the course of the Belgian investigation, a number of other people were also arrested in Spain, Morocco and Saudi Arabia.

Pray: for Governments and authorities to be granted wisdom on how to handle terrorists. (Jer.1:19)


On Saturday 28 April 2012 between 10 am and 4pm there will be a gathering of Belgium prayer leaders at the International Baptist Church, Lange Eikstraat 78. Leaders from across the country will gather to exchange ideas and materials, forge networks and links, be encouraged by the Lord and strengthen each other in their motivation for prayer and intercession. The organizers are expecting individuals who are involved in a wide range of prayer initiatives, cells and groups, prayer websites, prayer leaders and coordinators. This day will focus on the whole of Belgium and will be in three languages (NL, FR, ENG.)

Pray: for the delegates to be encouraged and empowered as they get to know one another and intercede together for their land. (Mat. 18:19)
