British schools opt-out from Christian assemblies

Written by Super User 17 Jan 2011

A growing number of British schools are dropping traditional Christian assemblies in favour of multi-faith meetings and ‘moments of reflection’. More than 140 primary and secondary schools across Britain have won the right to opt out of the legal requirement to provide a daily act of worship which is ‘broadly Christian’ in character. (See also: Some schools have adopted Islamic assemblies. The highest number of opt-outs from traditional assemblies is in Bradford where 47 schools have decided to introduce ‘new-style’ assemblies. Rt Rev Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali reminds us that: ‘The Judaeo-Christian tradition provides the connecting link to our island story. Without that tradition, it is impossible to understand the language, the literature, the art or even the science of our civilisation. It provides the grand themes of virtue and vice, atonement and repentance, resurrection and immortality. It undergirds and safeguards our constitutional and legal tradition’.

Pray: that the Gospel message will continue to be taught to our schoolchildren and sustain our shared heritage. (Mk.16:15)


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