British Youth Parliament rejects campaigning for gay marriage

Written by Super User 03 Dec 2012

The British Youth Parliament has rejected campaigning for same-sex marriage, after it came bottom in a vote of priorities for 2013. The issue received just 22 votes, whereas the most popular campaign, a curriculum to prepare young people for real life, got 154 votes. Each year, 11 to 18-year-olds from each part of the UK debate priorities for the coming year in a special session in the House of Commons. George Poole, an 18-year-old openly homosexual MYP (Member of the Youth Parliament) for Cornwall, said that whilst same-sex marriage is an issue “close to home” for him, he needed to “think of the young people who won’t benefit from this policy”. And Jack Lewis, a 15-year-old MYP for Richmond-Upon-Thames, said there are more important issues to be campaigning about, such as youth unemployment. Many have argued that the Government is prioritising same-sex marriage when issues such as the economy are more pressing.

Pray: for the government to note the result of this vote along with the views of so many groups calling for current proposals to be dropped. (Pr.16:9)


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