The Australian Christian Lobby is calling for the Australian Government to make representations to the Iranian Government about Christian Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani who has been sentenced to death in Iran. ACL’s Lyle Shelton said the case is in conflict with the religious provisions of Iran’s constitutional law and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which allows freedom of religion and freedom to change one’s religion. ‘We join with many churches and groups nationally and internationally to condemn the death sentence of Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani', Mr Shelton said. Meanwhile some are saying ‘placing Pastor Yousef’s case into the hands of high Supreme Leader Ali Khameini could make or break his chances of an acquittal.’ (See last week's Prayer Alert) Voice of the Martyrs director said, ‘Whatever decision is made there will be a hefty amount of people who are not happy with it.’ see:

Pray: for international condemnation to succeed in bringing Iran to recognising religious freedom. (Ps.45:4)


A hardline Islamic group Hzb at-Tahrir, said the Australian government was trying to ‘brainwash’ their children and that they should resist any attempts to water down their strict view of Islam. ‘The government is playing a dirty game,’ Wassim Doureihi told a 600-strong audience in Sydney. The group launched a 124-page report on what it sees as Australian government attempts to divide the Muslim community into extremists and moderates. ‘The fundamental objective of these policies is to change Islam, to secularise Islam, to produce a so-called 'moderate Islam' - a state-sanctioned version of Islam that is secular, politically impotent and localised.’ Mr Doureihi warned the audience of ‘a war that is being waged on Islam in Australia as it is in the rest of the world.’ A Fellow speaker said the Australian government had arrogantly assumed that because Muslim youth went to their schools and watch their TV shows they would adopt Australian values. See also:

Pray: against Hizb ut-Tahrir and their attempts with other groups to instil global sharia law. (Is.17:13)


The warmest winter and hottest September on record plus half the normal amount of spring rainfall left the land tinder-dry. Compounding matters is widespread lightning accompanying storms with little to no rain. One in three Australians lives in New South Wales. Local officials fear that three large fires spreading through the Blue Mountains could merge to form one huge inferno. 1,000+ firefighters (mostly volunteers) are battling blazes across an area the size of Los Angeles. A state of emergency gives firefighters and police the authority to cut off water, power and gas and order mandatory evacuations of areas at risk. A total fire ban is in place for the Greater Sydney region - meaning no fire may be lit in the open, and all fire permits are suspended. The Rural Fire Service said an investigation had found a department of defence training exercise was responsible for causing the blaze, which has burnt out more than 46,000 hectares in one of the fire areas.

Pray: for the hundreds of families who are now homeless, those living in shelters having lost everything and pray also for God’s protection over the firefighters.



The developing world lost nearly US$1 trillion in 2010 as a result of corruption, tax evasion, and other financial crimes not involving cash transactions, according to a report by Global Financial Integrity. Corruption has grown steadily over the past decade despite unprecedented efforts by governments and non-governmental organizations to curb it. Much of the proceeds of drug trafficking, human smuggling, and other criminal activities, which are often settled in cash, are not included in these estimates. The 80-page report found that China suffered the greatest losses followed by Mexico, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, and Russia. Other countries that were ranked in the top 10 for 2010 losses included Iraq, Nigeria, Costa Rica, the Philippines and Thailand. Developing economies are haemorrhaging more and more money at a time when rich and poor countries alike are struggling to spur economic growth. This report should be a wake-up call to world leaders that more must be done to address these harmful outflows.

Pray: for an end to the astronomical sums flowing out of the developing world into off-shore tax havens and developed-country banks. (Pr.18:5)



‘Climate change in Asia is falling hardest on poor and indigenous communities and Christian communicators should adopt the concept of ‘climate justice’ as they advocate for solutions.’ delegates said at a meeting of the World Association for Christian Communications Asia region. They said that churches should take a proactive stand on the issue by promoting awareness through traditional media and among congregations. Climate changes affecting Asians are melting Himalayan glaciers influencing available fresh water for crop irrigation and daily human use, especially in Pakistan and India. However, many people don't see a connection between faith and climate change. ‘For most of our local faith communities, climate justice is not a lens that we bring regularly to the reading of our sacred texts nor to our understanding of what it means to be faithful,’ was said in a keynote address.

Pray: that climate justice will become a popular and effective initiative in the wake of Pakistan’s floods. (Lev.19:10)



President Cristina Kirchner warns of 'grave risks to international security' and has accused Britain of ‘militarising’ the south Atlantic. She says her intention is to prevent war over natural resources of the Falklands by taking her complaint to the United Nations. The President spoke on Wednesday at the presidential palace in Buenos Aires in front of a large map of the Falkland Islands painted in the blue and white colours of the Argentinian flag. The announcement sought to internationalise the dispute and raise pressure on London to discuss sovereignty. Britain has dispatched the destroyer HMS Dauntless claiming the deployment to be routine, amid escalating tension. Both sides have accused the other of trying to distract from domestic economic woes. Argentina objects to British oil drilling in Falkland waters. Two weeks ago, Argentina's official news agency, Telam, started a Malvinas page with banner pictures of Argentinian jet fighters, helicopters, tanks and soldiers.

Pray: that this war of words will not escalate. (Ps.16:1)


It is a year since the start of the Arab Spring that toppled repressive governments, changed the landscape of the Middle East and North Africa forever and sent shockwaves around the world. Unfortunately for the already-minority Christian population in Muslim-dominated countries like Egypt, Libya and Tunisia, the future is unclear. Will 2012 bring more persecution and marginalization or greater liberty to worship? According to Open Doors USA the signs so far are not encouraging. Many hail the movement as victory for democracy but within the Arab Spring there are troubling incidents against Christians, even those in countries yet un-reached by the revolutionary wave. The model of democracy unfolding could result in the law of mob rule, where Islamists control governments, exclude minority faiths even from police protection, and Christians living in constant terror from the message, ‘There is no place here for Christians’

Pray: against the rising violence towards Christians and Christian establishments, and for God’s mercy to bring a just outcome to the Arab Spring. (Jer.29:11)



Christians in the Arab Spring counties face many different challenges as their societies take on new values and viewpoints. Egyptian Christians are bracing themselves for increased persecution, but are making the most of what they see as a ‘window of opportunity’ before the new regime is fully established. Libyan Christians with a Muslim background have been forced to worship in secret in recent months and we are asked to pray for God to reveal to them His ‘plans of hope’ (Jer. 29:11). Syrian Christians have been kidnapped and murdered since the anti-government unrest began, and in Tunisia it was recently reported that a Muslim background Christian was beheaded for converting to Christianity, see: As the Arab Spring moves into a new season may Christian values of love and justice be reflected in the societies emerging from political upheaval.

Pray: that church leaders will seek and be guided by the Holy Spirit, and know to how to lead their congregations in such a time as this(Est. 4:14)
