North Korea

Written by Super User 29 Apr 2011

North Korea is considered the world's most repressive nation. Christians are seen as refusing to accept the supreme authority of the late Kim Il Sung, North Korea's first leader, and his son, Kim Jong Il. Please pray for Christians in North Korea who can be killed simply for owning a Bible. All Christian meetings, Christian literature and Bibles are banned so believers are forced to meet in secret. Ask God to protect North Korea's underground church and raise up strong leaders. Many Christians have been sent to death camps as political prisoners and subjected to brutal treatment in appalling conditions. Please pray for Christians in detention asking God to help them to endure and share Christ's love with their fellow inmates. Before the Communists came to power, there were 300,000 Christians in North Korea and the capital Pyongyang was known as 'Asia's Jerusalem'.

Pray: for revival to break out once again in the so-called 'hermit kingdom'. (Eph.2:22)



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