A Christian in Afghanistan writes, ‘As the coalition forces prepare to withdraw by the end of next year, the local army and police are being trained to take full responsibility for the security of their country. There are many challenges to be overcome, including a lack of basic education for many of the local soldiers and police and a culture of corruption. Also, many in positions of authority lack the leadership skills needed to forge an effective force. The coalition soldiers work closely with their local counterparts to instil technical knowledge and tactical and strategic planning skills. In this process coalition and local soldiers spend many hours together. Pray for the Christians in the coalition to be a strong witness for Christ. A lack of security and rampant corruption have caused many people to distrust the government and thus weakened its authority. Many question whether the central government is prepared to take full responsibility and leadership of the country.’

Pray: that God will place righteous people in positions of authority in the government and the people of the land will learn to trust and support those who are protecting them. (Is.1:26)


For British troops in Afghanistan - and soldiers everywhere - the first battle to win is with themselves, writes Captain Doug Beattie of 1 Royal Irish Regiment who won the Military Cross for bravery in Afghanistan. He told Channel 4 News, ‘You won't hear soldiers talk about it. Fear is a taboo subject, a word suggesting weakness or worse, what they once would have called a lack of moral fibre. Troops skirt around it, deploying phrases like ‘that was a close one’ or ‘that wasn't fun’ to mask the reality of what they are feeling. But the question is not whether soldiers feel fear - for they do - but how they react to it. It can be a powerful motivator, allowing you to do things you never thought you were capable of. But fear can also be mentally and physically debilitating preventing men from carrying out the actions needed for survival.’

Pray: for God to meet with soldiers separated from family in an alien culture, facing threats of death and injury. (Joel 2:32)

More: http://www.channel4.com/news/afghanistan-the-fight-against-fear

A serious power struggle has erupted among Afghan Taliban’s top leaders. Two top-ranking members of the Quetta Shura have been battling for control and their feud resulted this week in the assassination of one senior Taliban official by members of an opposing faction. The centre of the storm is the Taliban’s top military leader, the former Guantanamo detainee Mullah Abdul Qayyum who earned a reputation as a merciless fighter on the battlefield, but as a commander is often brutal to underlings and seems incapable of responding quickly to changing conditions on the ground. Recent complaints from senior field commanders have risen to crisis levels. According to both a senior member of the ruling council and a former cabinet minister in the Taliban regime, commanders accused him of showing no respect for his men in the field and ignoring their basic needs.

Pray: for God to use the recent Taliban unrest to bring about His purposes for Afghanistan. May their lines of authority come under His mighty authority. (Is.32:1-3)

More: http://www.thefrontierpost.com/news/14566/


The Taliban set the stage for peace talks with envoys of President Hamid Kharzai and the US, establishing a venue and an opening to the Afghan leadership just hours after Kabul took over nationwide security responsibilities. US Taliban discussions in Qatar on Thursday follow the Taliban opening a political office on Tuesday in Doha and making a gesture toward renouncing links to international terrorism. Until now the Taliban have publicly refused to negotiate with Kabul's representatives, dismissing Mr. Kharzai as an American ‘puppet.’ On Tuesday the insurgent group said its representatives in Doha would meet Afghans ‘in due appropriate time.’ The Taliban announced the office opening (the result of lengthy behind-the-scenes negotiations involving the US, Pakistan, Mr. Kharzai and Qatar) shortly after the US-led coalition formally transferred the security lead to Afghan forces. The coalition will now shift to a support and advisory role.

Pray: for this important step toward reconciliation to move forward without cultural, constitutional, political or religious hindrances. Pray for an end to verbal and physical warfare. (Ac.2:40)

More: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324520904578553300053268208.html?mod=WSJWorld__RIGHTTopStories

The Taliban has announced the beginning of its Spring military offensive with the launching of attacks on military bases, convoys and Afghan officials, including members of the government's peace council, who are working to reconcile with top insurgent leaders. There has been a noticeable increase in the number of attacks against our forces over the last couple of weeks with many injuries, following the attack on the mastiff where 3 soldiers were killed and 6 injured. We are asked to pray for the safety of our servicemen and women in Afghanistan, and peace for their families back home in constant unease of a knock on the door. (Rom.12:12)

Pray: that the Taliban will be thwarted. For protection for the armed forces. (Ps.121:1-3a)

More: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/taliban-announces-spring-offensive-2277031.html


A more liberal Taliban group in Wardak province has stopped arresting women without burkas and is allowing some music ‘representing a new generation of militants’ locals say. Although the situation varies across Afghanistan, Wardak highlights how the Taliban's newest recruits have recently shown greater flexibility over social issues. We can pray that this will prelude even more openness and the removal of spiritual blindness amongst the ethnic Pashtuns. Meanwhile Joel News reports a Christian Afghani Red Cross employee who was arrested on false allegations, beaten, sleep deprived, and sexually abused in jail who then wrote from his cell that he rejoices in the Lord because Jesus appeared to him in a vision. Five days later he was able to pray for a fellow prisoner, a Pashtun Taliban member, who also met with Jesus and is now a believer.

Pray: for physical freedom for Christians imprisoned for their faith and for spiritual freedom for the Taliban. (Ps.119:17-18)

More: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5idVJ5tf1_Qhtrpfi2AUwnFIrFeYg?docId=CNG.d9ba7

A survey of 6,348 Afghans by the Asia Foundation between July 2nd and August 11th showed support for the Taliban dramatically declined over the last two years from 56% to 29%.This is coupled with a high level of support for the government's reconciliation and negotiation efforts with armed opposition groups. Nevertheless on Wednesday three coalition service members were killed as a result of two separate bomb blasts on the first day of a three-day loya jirga in Kabul, (a grand assembly of more than 2,000 delegates from around the country to discuss Afghanistan's future relationship with the United States. It also includes talks about possible negotiations with the Taliban.) On Monday, a Taliban spokesman strongly condemned the loya jirga, fueling fears of Afghan officials and those attending the loya jirga that the militant group may be planning attacks to disrupt it.

Pray: that God will enable Afghanistan to continue to develop a safe environment, children’s education, clean drinking water and well equipped clinics and hospitals. (Ps.68:1-3)

More: http://channel6newsonline.com/2011/11/roadside-bombs-kill-3-nato-troops-on-first-day-of-afghan-loya-jirga/


50,000 children work on the streets of Afghanistan’s capital. Some are orphans, others work to support their families selling chewing gum, magazines, or trinkets others polish shoes, wash cars or dispense good luck from a can of burning herbs. Some simply beg. All are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse by criminals and police. A Christian within the country has asked us to pray for the protection of the children trying to survive. Organisations are needed to provide support for children and their families. Pray that some of the aid to the country would go to help the street children and that these children would be introduced to the One who loves little children.

Pray: for Christians working in various communities to have more of God's anointing as they attempt to make a difference in the lives of the people. (Mt.19:14)

More: http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/afghanistan.html