Iraq: More support needed from international partners

Written by Admin 2 27 May 2015
Iraq: More support needed from international partners

Iraqi forces have suffered a number of defeats at the hands of IS over the past year. Last week Iraqis chose to withdraw from Ramadi despite the fact that they vastly outnumbered IS forces. That defeat exposes the Iraqi army's continuing failure to become an effective fighting force. Religious fault-lines in Iraq's conflict (Sunni vs. Shiite vs. Kurd, with most Kurds being Sunnis) has created an ethnic element that leaves international partners with few options in their campaign against IS. Meanwhile Christians who have not fled Iraq stand and endure. Canon Andrew White, Bishop of Baghdad, recently posted on his blog, ‘People ask me, are you not terrified doing such dangerous work? I have to be honest and say not at all because perfect love casts out all fear. I have been shown the perfect love of God.’ See also

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  • Pray: for God to continue to hold his people in His heart, and inspire Iraqi and international leaders to make wise choices as they face IS militiamen. (Is.42:3,4a)