War intensifies in Yemen, civilians bear the brunt

Written by Admin 2 27 May 2015
War intensifies in Yemen, civilians bear the brunt

The seven-week offensive against Iranian-allied Houthis and units loyal to ex-President Saleh continues to take its toll. More than 1400 civilians have died in Saudi-led attacks that pit Sunni Muslim allies against Shia Houthis and their Shia Iranian backers. Saudi bombing has created a disaster zone. People are afraid to leave their homes. Lack of food, water, fuel, and healthcare has created a humanitarian crisis. Complicating the situation is the addiction of many to khat, a narcotic that dulls the senses. Yemen's constitution declares Islam the state religion and Sharia Law the source legislation; Yemenis who leave Islam for Christianity face death. Yemeni Christians face double threats: civil unrest and persecution for their faith. UN-brokered peace talks for war-torn Yemen were postponed just four days before they were due to begin in Geneva. See also

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  • Pray: for hostilities to cease, for President Hadi and his government to be restored, and for Yemenis to experience Christ's peace even in the midst of conflict. (Jn.16:33)