Pakistan: Believers’ prayer requests

Written by Admin 2 27 May 2015
Pakistan: Believers’ prayer requests

'... as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favour granted to us in answer to the prayers of many.’ (2 Cor.1:11) A ladies’ ministry team whose accommodation is very close to two churches that were bombed are busy ministering in the aftermath. There have been multiple funerals, visits to injured in the hospitals, and traumatised families dealing with loss and grief. Pray for the peace, comfort and the grace of God to meet His people during this time. The presence of the evil one has noticeably increased in the general population and, sad to say, in the Christian population; particularly the ‘caste that calls themselves Christian.’ Fear has also increased within the general population. Pray against false religion. Please also pray for the courses we are running, ‘How to pray and hear from God’. We hope this will lead to an increase in 24/7 prayer groups for our nation.'

Additional Info

  • Pray: for 24/7 prayer to reach areas of Pakistan it has never been before, and for the above prayers to be answered. (Rom.12:12)