Australia/Global: Aggressive secularism v religious education in schools

Written by Super User 24 Oct 2014

Humanist- inspired ‘aggressive secularism’ is becoming a concern for Christians in all democratic countries. Nations that once functioned on the Judeo-Christian worldview are now functioning on Secularism/Atheism. A National Education Coalition was formed as part of an aggressive secularism in public education and a successful Humanist activist assault on Chaplains in public schools via High Court judicial involvement. The most extreme form of atheism is imposed on public and private schools science classes as scientism - not science. In a recent High Court school Chaplains William's vs The Commonwealth decision, the dissenting conservative justice openly expressed concern about High Court judicial activism and spoke against Judges who, ‘assume a law-making role resulting in the death of the rule of law in Australia. This whole scenario is not just a local or state issue, but international. Christians must jointly take a public and national stand on this whole affair.’ See also

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