South Africa: Cape Town Christians called to unite this Saturday

Written by Super User 24 Oct 2014

Christians in the Cape Town area are being invited to a ‘Call to Unity’ on Saturday, 25 October. Speakers will include Dr Desmond Rose, author of Write The Vision; Rev Barry Isaacs, Director of Transformation Africa and a member of the Doves Peak campaign to rename Devil’s Peak; and Dr Graham Power, business leader and founder of Global Day of Prayer and Unashamedly Ethical. The meeting will be the fourth Call to Unity gathering and is based on Acts 1:14.  The objectives of the campaign are to send a message of unity to encourage the Body of Christ to get together, and to pray and worship and seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

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  • Pray: that the Holy Spirit will prompt many to come to this gathering, ask God to pour out his blessings on South Africa as His people come together in unity. (Ps.133)