Israel: Hamas is rebuilding tunnel network

Written by Super User 24 Oct 2014

The leader of Al-Qassam Brigades (part of Hamas), said Hamas is rebuilding its terror tunnel network. The Gaza-based newspaper Al-Resalah was invited to send a reporter to a tunnel site where he was shown diggers hard at work repairing a tunnel that had been bombed during Operation Protective Edge. The commander of the digging team admitted that the tunnel’s repairs were started ‘during one of the humanitarian ceasefires reached during the war.’ This statement reveals Hamas was using ceasefires intended for humanitarian ends as part of their war strategy.  Recently Al-Qassam Brigades’ spokesperson announced at a rally ‘the tunnels of Al-Qassam are fine. Our men will begin the next battle with their feet on the ground in settlements around Gaza.’ With missile test launches over the last two months, signs point to Hamas preparing for another conflict. Al-Qassam Brigades is recruiting as many volunteers as possible for basic military training with various types of weapons.  See

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