Iraq: Detention facilities

Written by Super User 17 Oct 2014

Hundreds of Iraqi Yezidi men, women and children are in IS detention facilities in Iraq and Syria. Young women and teenage girls are separated from their families and some have been forced to marry (or be concubines for) IS fighters, according to relatives of the detainees, escaped hostages, and two detained women interviewed by phone. They said the group has taken away boys and forced captives to convert to Islam. IS's litany of horrific crimes against the Yezidis in Iraq only keeps growing. Human Rights Watch heard shocking stories of forced religious conversions, forced marriage, sexual assault and slavery – and some of the victims are children. The prisoners were caught during IS’s offensive in northwest Iraq in August. IS separated captives into categories: 1) women and mothers with younger children and older men or husbands; 2 )women in their early 20s and adolescent girls; 3) younger men and older boys

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