Japan:Praying with Japan

Written by Super User 16 Apr 2011

Last Sunday Christians from inside and outside Japan asked Christians globally to pray ‘with Japan’ asking if mercy can triumph one more time over justice and to bring the current situation before God from a place of national repentance and a capitulation of its leaders before the King of Kings. According to leaders in society, business and politics, the Church, as it is, has next to no voice nor influence in the Japanese society. As intercessors however we have huge privileges and can and should pray for repentance and forgiveness, asking God to shorten the days of tribulation (Mark 13:20) and stand in the gap for a nation that God is calling back to himself. This would mark a historic chance for a new beginning, and could be the beginning of liberating the nation of Japan to stepping into the historic role.

Pray: for a spiritual reconstruction based on the foundations of the Kingdom of God.(Ex.34:17)

More: http://www.win1040.com/post.php?id=1182

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