Jordan: King Abdullah II sacked his government

Written by Super User 03 Feb 2011

Street protests by thousands of Islamists, secular opposition groups and retired army generals in Amman, and other parts of Jordan caused King Abdullah to sack his government. Demonstrators demanded the dissolution of parliament and a change in electoral law to allow the Jordanian people to vote for their Prime Minister, a position presently selected by royal appointment. King Abdullah of Jordan bowed to street protests, sacked his government, and appointed an ex-army general and former ambassador to Israel as the new Prime Minister (an unpopular decision). Like other Arab states Jordanians complain of rising prices, widespread unemployment, low living standards, and view their politicians as corrupt and unaccountable. Jordan and Egypt were the only Arab states to sign the peace deal with Israel, and Israeli officials privately express concern that a power vacuum in Jordan could lead to the rise of the Islamic Action Front, an offshoot of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood that is hostile to Israel.

Pray: for a just resolution to Jordan’s grievances and for Jordan to continue to be a moderate voice in the Middle East. (Jer.29:11)


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