Japan: Workers at reactor & Greenpeace warning

Written by Super User 20 May 2011

Workers briefly entered Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant measuring radiation levels and checking damage as they attempt to bring the reactors to a stable, cold shutdown by January. It was the first time anyone had entered reactor two building. There are signs that damage to the nuclear plant was worse than initially thought. Radioactive runoff has leaked from dousing operations into the sea causing 620 fishermen to halt fishing and demand damage payment. However from May 20th, fishermen will begin harvesting seaweed for public consumption from the 12-mile territorial waters. Greenpeace research indicates a significant risk that this seaweed will be highly contaminated as they have detected radiation far above legal limits in seaweed 40 miles off Fukushima nuclear plant and are calling on Japan's government to undertake comprehensive radiation testing of seaweed along the Fukushima coast. See:

Pray: for God in His mercy to minimise the ongoing repercussions from this disaster. (Ps.86:8-9)

More: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jvtjJ0Nk8PNEUzU4LOW7ZFYE4uKw?docId=CNG.e19a633982920833ba52ff5dab9b7ac8.461


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