Japan: Radioactive leak 'serious'

Written by Super User 29 Aug 2013

On Wednesday Japan's nuclear regulator upgraded the rating of a leak of radiation-contaminated water from a tank at its tsunami-wrecked nuclear plant to a ‘serious incident’ on an international scale and castigated the plant operator for failing to catch the problem earlier. The 300-ton (300,000-litre, 80,000-gallon) leak probably began a month and a half before it was discovered - exposure levels among patrolling staff started to increase in early July. The regulator said there is a much larger on-going problem of massive amounts of contaminated ground water reaching the sea that cannot be rated under the IAEA's International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale because it is unknown exactly how much ground water is escaping, how contaminated it is and what effect it is having on the sea and marine products.

Pray: for honest and honourable appraisals of this latest challenge to the containing contaminated of waste from land and sea. Pray for wise and effective measures to be implemented. (Pr.4:13-14)

More: http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/japanese-regulator-raises-alert-nuclear-leaks-20089403

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