Japan: Prime Minister resigned

Written by Super User 07 Jun 2010

Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama announced his resignation after eight months in office, citing a broken campaign promise regarding the removal of a western military base from Okinawa to be the reason for his resignation. With parliamentary elections scheduled for July, Hatoyama ‘faced growing pressure from his own party to step down.’ The escalation of tensions between North and South Korea were among the reasons Hatoyama listed for keeping the base. He said shutting it down would only further destabilize the region. Hatoyama is the fourth Japanese prime minister to resign from office in just four years.

Pray: that hearts will turn from national instability to matters of eternity, and for God to establish leaders to guide Japan with integrity and humility. (Ecc.3:11 & Dan.2:21)

More: http://uk.ibtimes.com/articles/20100602/the-japanese-yen-tumbles-on-uncertainty-after-prime-minister-resigns-jun-2.htm

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