Japan: A Christian response

Written by Super User 21 Mar 2011

On March 14th four ‘Christian Relief, Assistance, Support, and Hope’ teams (CRASH) travelled to set up six relief team base camps in the earthquake zone. CRASH works with leaders in each area to ensure the relief camps are safe places through which volunteer teams can operate effectively distributing fresh fruit, butane stoves, diapers, baby milk, etc. Missionary Phillip Foxwell recently returned from working in Takayama where he grew up and spoke of the disaster, ‘All I can say is there is devastation beyond anything I've ever even imagined. Absolutely every single building is wiped out. The situation is so much worse than the news broadcasts. It’s like a warzone and I can’t wrap my head around it.’ CRASH teams in the area who are talking with people and praying for and with them said, ‘We pray for them and by blessing them we’ve been blessed more than we can imagine.’

Pray: for CRASH Japan volunteers and other Christian agencies as they identify pressing needs and mobilize teams in each area. (Ps.112:4)

More: http://crashjapan.com/

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