Japan: 'Don't give up on Japan'

Written by Super User 12 Oct 2013

Earlier this year post-disaster Tokyo pastor Jonathan Wilson urged ‘outward-looking’ missions to reach Japanese for Christ. Christian leaders call Japan ‘a hard soil to plant the Gospel.’ We can pray for Japan to become good soil that will eagerly receive the Good News of Jesus Christ (Mat.13:23). The Japanese continue to see Christianity as a Western religion. We can pray for the Church in Japan to add more Japanese culture and hymns to its worship services (Ps.117:1-2). This week Japan's prime minister appealed to the international community to help fix the on-going crisis at its damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant. We can pray for the Christian Believers who are still engaged in relief efforts and ministry more than two years after the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident. (1 Cor.15:58) The following link will lead you to some of the many Churches ministering in Japan’s hard spiritual ground:- http://across.co.nz/churches.Japan.html and http://win1040.com/page.php?id=558 will aid informed intercession.

Pray: for God to pour out his anointing for evangelism on Christians working in Japan. Pray also for agencies to know God’s strategies on how to reach the nation. (Pr.24:3-4)

More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/10359894/Japan-asks-international-community-to-helpsolve-Fukushima-crisis.html

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