INSIGHT ARTICLE: Kenya: Referendum repercussions

Written by Super User 14 Aug 2010

Further to last week's INSIGHT ARTICLE we give thanks to God that apart from a few incidents in the Rift Valley the Referendum vote last week was peaceful with no inter-tribal violence. Although 70% of those who voted were in favour of the Constitution only about 30% of the total electorate voted ‘yes’. It is probable that many didn’t read the document and voted as their leaders told them to. The National Council of Churches of Kenya said the ‘yes’ vote did not nullify their concerns and Canon Peter Karanja, doubted the integrity of the vote saying, ‘We are saddened by the fact that the pre-referendum process was marked by malpractices and irregularities which continued right into balloting and tallying phases. This calls into question the validity of the process and its outcome.’ A summary of Kenyan Christians' prayer requests for their country are in this weeks Insight Article click the info button.

Pray: that Kenya would be a symbol of hope in Africa and post-colonial violence will not become a stronghold over the nation. (Ps.22:28-31)


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