INSIGHT ARTICLE: Laos: 48 Christians expelled from village suffer critical illnesses

Written by Super User 24 May 2010

In spite of assurances of justice from officials the Lao Christians expelled from Katin village at gunpoint for not renouncing their faith (Prayer Alert0810) are suffering prolonged lack of adequate food and clean water. Lack of basic resources since January has led to diarrea, dehydration, eye and skin infections, fainting and general weakness and one Christian died suddenly while praying for two Christians hospitalized with illness caused by their living conditions. They are living in temporary shelters at the edge of the jungle; their neighbours were aggressively warned not to help them in any way. In March a delegation of officials visited the Christian jungle site and assured the refugees of their legal right to embrace the faith of their choice and live anywhere in the district. For insights into how to pray for Laos click info button.

Pray: for God to protect and provide for the outcasts of Laos, to strengthen the Christians and bring those not knowing Him into faith through His son Jesus Christ. (Mt.5:11,12)

More: Laospeopleprayer.pdf

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