INSIGHT ARTICLE: Japan: How should we pray?

Written by Super User 26 Mar 2011

Operation World states 70 percent of Japanese claim no personal religion but a majority follow rituals of Buddhism or Shintoism. Only 1.5 percent follow Christ. We can pray for God to enable the small church in Japan to reach out to the suffering and be a shining light in the middle of darkness. We can also pray that Missionaries and Christian organizations going to Japan will be anointed by God to reveal His love and compassion, so that Japanese hearts will be changed forever. We pray that the many facing an uncertain future will seek comfort in God and be strengthened and encouraged. For a summary of OMF insights into prophetic intercession for Japan click the 'info' button.

Pray: for believers to be a bold witness in every circumstance, and for God to use this tragedy for good ushering many into His Kingdom in the days ahead. (Is.63:8)


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