Written by Super User 21 Mar 2011

Global Day of Prayer Newsletter summary: ‘They are calling it the fifth most powerful earthquake in history. Numerous bodies have already been found; destruction to buildings, is devastating; 2,000 people have been evacuated from an area surrounding a nuclear plant; economic impacts are expected in Asia and Europe. Pray for all the Japanese people to continue to be calm and have presence of mind, and for Christians to rise to the occasion with the power of the Holy Spirit to meet the needs as He directs them. Pray for the Church to unite to reach out to help in the aftermath. Pray for wise response, order and resources applied appropriately. Pray for the global Church to wake up to the need to be prepared in order to be His hands and feet in these situations as they begin to unfold so quickly around the world.  source  For further insights to aid prayer please click the Info button.

Pray: that there will be more than enough messengers of the gospel in every place to share the good news of His mercy and grace to those who do not yet know Him. (Lk.10:2)


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