India: Dalit Christians to protest for Scheduled Castle status

Written by Super User 01 Jul 2011

Churches in India have called for a three-day hunger strike July 25th, 26th and a rally to Parliament on the 27th demanding Scheduled Caste status for Dalit Christians and Muslims. It is a matter of great concern for the Church in India that its own people who belong to the Dalit community are denied Scheduled Caste status, the National Council of Churches in India statement said. NCCI along with Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India have taken many initiatives but now realize it's imperative to step on the gas to achieve the goal. Christians of Scheduled Caste Origin have been seeking the right for equal Constitutional provisions on par with Dalits of the country. The campaign coordinators have obtained the letters of support for the cause from major political parties except the Bharatiya Janata Party.

Pray: for a fair Constitutional mandate that will allow Christian and Muslim Dalits Scheduled Cast status. (Ex.23:6)


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