India: Commonwealth Games corruption

Written by Super User 29 Sep 2010

Two days ago the athletes village faulty infrastructure was highlighted when a bridge collapsed injuring 23 workers. On 31st July India Sports News and the Times of India reported New Delhi officials uncovering evidence of corruption in construction projects and illegal cash transfers for contractors developing the site. Officials of India's Government Watchdog reported construction quality certificates scrutinized in 16 games-related projects had turned out to be fake or suspect. Also another corruption scandal over money being transferred from the Commonwealth Games account to a little-known film company based in London was discovered in July.’ see The BBC reported, ‘From the time of winning the bid New Delhi was accused of influencing the voting in its favour by offering cash inducements to Commonwealth member countries and when building work began it was behind schedule and under the control of 20 competing organising committees. 45 workers have died in accidents since work began. See Pray: for an end to this corruption and any other hidden corruption and exploitation, resulting in future safe working conditions, honest dealings and security for the Games. (Is.56:1)


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