India: Dalits forced to leave church

Written by Super User 21 Jul 2011

Dalit, which means ‘trampled upon,’ refers to lower caste Indians treated as ‘untouchables’ in Indian society. They perform menial jobs while living in segregation from upper castes in rural areas. A Catholic bishop in south India has admitted that Dalit Christians are being forced to forsake their faith due to continued discrimination against them under Indian laws. Bishop Anthony Poola told a seminar at Hyderabad on 1 July that the Government is acting as missionary agent of Hinduism. An estimated five million Christians have left their faith due to this continuing discrimination. In 1950, the government gave Hindu Dalits Scheduled Caste status in an effort to improve their social standing, but it has been denied to Christian Dalits, who account for two-thirds of the 27 million Christians in India.

Pray: for true justice and acceptance for Christians in India and for Christian Dalits to know God's provision for them. (Ps.54:1-4)



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